Sounds like a blast! And wow a new car?? Sheesh leave for three months and the whole world changes! :) And one more thing, Dallin are you wearing my BYU hat? Cuz I wanted that to stay boxed up please. :) Nah you can wear it just be careful cuz I like that hat. :P But guess what happened...drumroll please.......I GOT TRANSFERRED TO DES MOINES ITS HUGE AND SO DIFFERENT THAN WAVERLY!!!!!!!! Transfer calls on Monday were the worst cuz the APs called and were like, "elder hollan you're staying and elder flake you're......getting transferred." AAAAHHHHH!!!! But I love des moines its the best! My new comp. is elder curless and he is from bountiful, Utah. Hahahaha and he is hilarious! We get along great. :) (haha whew!) But first, heres the past week. Monday we got transfer calls. Tuesday we got permission so we went and watched a play called "let freedom ring" that all of the NorthStar people put on and it was awesome!! Hahahahaha it was hilarious watching them all singing and dancing to patriotic songs! :D :D Then we went to Kevin's house with Brother Durbin and watched the "Finding Faith in Christ" video and it was super powerful.
Wednesday was p-day and that evening we went to Brad and Angie's house and talked with them and it was really good and super sad too cuz when they found out I was leaving Angie started crying and Brad was tearing up. I've grown to love them and their family so much already but it was super good to be able to say bye to them. :) Thursday we went to transfer meeting in Iowa City (about 2 hours away) and then I got a new comp. and we went to des moines! Man its huge!!!! Elder Curless and I taught the plan of salvation to two of our investiagtors-Isaac and Janeth- and it was super good. They are 9 and 14 yrs old so it was interesting having to simplify everything down cuz I've never taught a lesson to just the kids before. :) We then went and tracted the downtown area of des moines.
Friday we had a get-to-know-you district meeting and that was a blast cuz all the missionaries in our district our hilarious!!! We then went and talked with Royal Corbin (a black member of our ward who is super awesome). Saturday we went and tried some less-active people-they all fell through- and then we went and helped the Robinets (older inactive couple in our ward) move and that was a bunch of fun too! :) Haha so the funny thing about our ward is we have like 130-140 active members and then we have like 450-500 inactive/less-active members as well. So we've got our work cut out for us. :) Oh and this was a total miracle! So the Robinets gave us a bunch of canned goods after we helped them out-like three big brown paper bags full!-just cuz they like us (and they WOULD NOT take no for an answer). And then Royal called that night and was like "do you guys have any food by chance? I'm sorry for being a freeloader but I'm all out." So we were totally able to give him a bunch cuz we'd gotten a bunch like four hours before! Cool isn't it??!!
Sunday we went to church (Isaac and Janeth came and they loved it!!) and it was awesome! Afterwards, we went tracting downtown again and ran into this down-on-his-luck guy named Chris who was totally prepared! He has had a real rough life and he told us that before he met us walking around, he'd said a prayer hoping that God could guide him to somebody who could help. WOW! It was the coolest thing ever he is super awesome!! We then went and had dinner at the Craypo's house (they're senior couple missionaries in our ward) for dinner and then we went to go try to see Augusta (less-active nice African lady). Haha so we got there and she was like "do you guys want to try some African soup?" And we were like "sure!" So I took a single sip of the broth part and my MOUTH WAS ON FIRE IT WAS SO STINKIN' HOT! MY LIPS TURNED BRIGHT RED IT WAS SO SPICY THATS NEVER HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE! And then I only took like two bites of the turkey (it was pretty good actually) and I also noticed that there was some kind of meat covered with spines (I didn't dare touch it) and a shrimp with the legs still on (didn't touch that either). And happened. A BOILED CHICKEN FOOT (without talons thank heavens) BOBBED UP FROM THE DEPTHS OF THE SOUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! I nearly lost it all over the table. I have an American stomach for goodness sake I'm weak! Elder Curless actually gagged!! Good thing Augusta wasn't in the room when that happened......