Man this was an AAAAAAAAAAWESOME WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! So first off, on monday we had a suuuper good lesson with one of our investigators, Zac, about listening to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and we set a date for August 30th!!!! YYYYYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! !!! But the sad thing was we haven't been able to get in contact with him at all for the rest of the week and thats super sad! :( But thats ok we are still working on that. :) Anyway, then we went to Janesville (about ten minutes from Waverly) and we got a new investigator!!! So Deb Sullivan is an inactive member but her husband Jim isn't in religion right now cuz he has had really bad experiences with life and religion in general and he hates how all the Christians he has seen are all hypocrites and he had A LOT of questions but we went through Joseph Smith History with him and he really related with Joseph Smith and they both have a lot of the same questions about church y'know? He really like that and he has started to read the Book of Mormon now!!!!! K then a couple of days this week were a little tricky and we weren't able to get much out of it cuz like people just either didn't wanna talk to us or they would see us coming and hide! Hahahaha i mean c'mon we can see you guys through the window for goodness sake!! Hahahaha but oh well. :) But we had two potential investigators come to church and that was TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!! They had a lot of questions but we were able to answer them and that was totally awesome!!!! We also had interviews with the President and Sister Jensen this week and that was awesome they are so cool! Oh and guess what???!!!! Google Earth was President Jensen's brainchild!!! He has like a bajillion trophies for this and that and he is like super smart and stuff but he is so humble about it and that is soooo cool! Oh and if you could just send the pics in a small album that would work. :) And we have our own apartment on the east side of Waverly (thats our area) and the other elders have their own apartment in the west side of waverly (thats their area). :) But we share a car and it is a brand spankin' new one! Its a 2014 Subaru Legacy and it is a veeeery nice car we love it! So more in this week is we have this super nice 82 year old lady named Wilma who is one of our investigators and we had an AWESOME lesson with her with Brother Martin from our ward and that was awesome!!! Hahahaha so Brother Martin runs a classic car dealership so he is loaded and he picked us up for Wilma's lesson in this sick 2013 open-top black and yellow Mustang GT! Hahaha it was hilarious! But he is like one of the coolest guys ever and he is so humble and his family got converted about four years ago. So on Saturday we did a lot of service! First we served at the Waverly Community Gardens weeding and such (all the food goes to various food banks), then we went and moved some rock and did landscaping for the Swallows (nice, older couple in our branch), and then we went and built a base for a swingset playset thing at the Austin's house and that was way fun too! Then on Sunday we were knocking doors in a trailer park and we met and taught two atheists! They were dead set in their atheist ways but one of them was all like, "oh i guess i'll try praying but idk if it will work" and in our minds we were all like, "oh the spirit is gonna hit you so hard! Awesome!" And then we ran into this guy who was like a history buff and he thought the Bible was full of a bunch of manure but we had an awesome converstion with him and he took a restoration pamphlet and a Book of Mormon!! Thats the week!!!
Elder Logan Flake
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