YAY SAAS IS BACK IN THE GOOD OLE' U.S. OF A!!!!! Huh its weird to think that she is a missionary no more.....awesome. :) And THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the new camera! Sister Shelley at the mission office called saying "Elder Flake you have a package and we live like ten minutes away from the office so I went and got it. Hahaha when I opened it up the first thing I said was YYYYYEEEEEESSSS!!!! Guess what happened...................... ............ELDER CURLESS AND I ARE GOING ONE MORE ROUND IN DES MOINES!!! HOOOOO DOGGIE!!! YES! I'm so glad that we get to be together for one more transfer I love the dude to death! :D :D
So Monday was a normal day, not p-day, because of transfer calls that week and we did service for brother Vaughn cleaning up his place. We then went and visited the Brown family of our ward and that was a blast! Their little boy, DJ, is 9 years old and he has some sort of handicap but he is the sweetest and looooves the missionaries! We shared a message with them and it was extra awesome because we were able to connect with the dad! He hasn't been to church in a number of years so it was really cool to see him get touched by the Spirit. :) I love being on a mission! Then we went and contacted a referral from some elders in Houston, Texas and it was awesome! So his name is Sam Aye and he is 14 years old and was being taught by the missionaries in Texas before he moved to Des Moines. We recapped the Restoration and he loved every minute of it! The even more amazing thing is his sister, Sam Win who is 20 years old, wanted to listen as well and they both ended up accepting the invitation to baptism!!!! IT WAS AWESOME!!!
Tuesday, I had a cold and was really sick ALL DAY so we weren't able to do anything at all. :( Hahaha Curless is a goober. So while I was taking a nap in the afternoon, he randomly strung rubber bands all over my bed and made it kind of like a trap because he wanted to see what I would do when I woke up and saw them all over the place. So when I woke up, my first thought was "huh?" And I just couldn't figure it out! Because my mind wasn't really functioning that well cuz I was sick I suppose. But elder Curless just busted a gut laughing at my confused face. :) But by the time 8:00 p.m. rolled around I was finally recovered. :)
Wednesday was p-day and that was a blast! Hahaha we were all trying to figure out what game to play next at one point, then we decided to play mofia. Hahahaha man I love my zone they're so much fun! It was hilarious and we all had a blast playing it! :D That night, we went and read the Book of Mormon with Madison again and that was fantastic as always too. :) Thursday, we went and did Mormon.org time and then we went and saw Curtis and read out of the Book of Mormon with him again. :) He has been getting really nervous about his upcoming hip replacement but some of the passages we read with him were comforting and really helped to calm him down. Man the Book of Mormon is amazing. We then contacted some referrals and even set up a return appointment with one of them! :D :D Then we helped brother Spencer jump-start his car because it was dead and he ended up inviting us over for dinner that night and we were able to go and share an awesome message with him!
Friday elder Curless was sick so while he slept, I learned how to play the guitar a little bit because we randomly have one lying around our apartment. :) He was better that evening so we went and were FINALLY able to contact Mike Borah, he is a referral from nearly 5 weeks back who wanted the Book of Mormon and we haven't been able to meet with him because crazy stuff always happened whenever we try, and we gave it to him and had a really good lesson on the Book of Mormon! The only sad thing was that we learned that he'll be gone for nearly six months traveling the U.S. but we were able to get the Book of Mormon to him literally a week before he left! Talk about an epic miracle! :D
Saturday we had our get to know you district meeting and that was a blast! We got switched to the Easter Lake district and they are a lot of fun! :D After lunch, we did a random unplanned exchange and so elder Hoskins and I stayed in the Easter Lake area and elders Curless and Clark went to our area. We did some finding, but not a lot of success, then we went to the Easter Lake ward's Christmas party. Hahaha I got lucky that they were having it that night I guess. :) Sunday we went to church and that was awesome! I love fast and testimony meeting! And that night we got to go to the Christmas devotional broadcast!!!!!
Elder Logan Flake
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