Sounds like a great time back in ole' Snowflake!! But guess what happened......I GOT TRANSFERRED AGAIN!!!.......PSYCH! Elder Curless left to Dubuque, but I get to stay here in Des Moines for at least six more weeks and I'm now with elder David Deeds from sunny San Jose, California! He is a total boss and we get along super great already!! When we got the transfer calls and I found out I was staying I was like "YES!!!" because I love Des Moines its so great! Elder Curless was sad he was leaving and so was I but we both knew that its what the Lord wanted. :) Hahahahahahaha so a couple of weeks ago, elder Curless, me, and our zone leaders all made a pact that if elder Curless left, we would all go and get a triple pattie "Walking Ched" burger at Zombieburger. So.......we did and my stomach will never be the same again. It is a burger that has mayo, onions, three burger patties, macaroni and cheese on top of it, and instead of bread buns it has deep fried macaroni and cheese for buns. Man it was so good! After we all finished, we just sat there and stared at our plates thinking to ourselves......."never again, but man it was tasty!" Hahaha!
The week was a little crazy because elder Curless had to pack and then he said bye to a lot of the really awesome members in our ward we've gotten really close to but we were still able to get some good stuff done. :) Haha random story real fast: so elder Deeds and I were tracting on Thursday night and we knocked on this one house's door and the first thing we notice is a sign by the door that says "All we want is..." and then it showed the hippie peace symbol. This older guy with long hair opens the door and then his weiner dog started trying to rip my leg to shreds!!! The guy was like "I'm so sorry!!" and then he picks up the dog, chucks it through the door then slams the door! Then we did the whole "We're missionaries, etc." and he says "Gentlemen, I believe in the here and now"(and at this point he started walking towards us with his arms open like he wanted a hug and my first thought was "I'm not gonna give you a hug?") "and I like you guys to leave." So we did because it was creepy and kind of weird. Gotta love Iowa!!!!
Friday, we went and saw Victor again! So last time we were there, Beatrice expressed a concern that they didn't have like any blankets or coats for her two kids so she asked if we could help them with that. So we tried contacting sister Helton and some other sisters and sister Helton was like "Oh yea no problem!" Thursday night, we got the stuff from her and she had gone out and bought a bunch of blankets and two brand new coats!!! It was so cool to be able to give those to Beatrice and she nearly started crying. It was a really awesome experience. On Saturday, we had get-to-know-you district meeting and I found out that my new district leader, elder Whiting, is from eagar!! I first meet him and he goes, "Are you a Snowflake Lobo?" And then I said, "Are you a Round Valley Elk?" And then we both started laughing and we had like an instant bond and started talking about the White Mountains and the rivalries and the radio stations and everything it was awesome!! :D We're really tight already just because we live so close to each other back home and we know a lot of the same people! Later that day, we were able to FINALLY contact Sam again!! We had a really powerful lesson about the Book of Mormon and Sam was able to really feel the Spirit and open up a lot which was awesome. :)
Victor had to work on Sunday morning so he didn't come to church but he was so disappointed and was like "I'll be there next week I promise! I'm so sorry." Man he is a boss! We also found a BUNCH of awesome potential people for the sisters and for our Spanish zone leaders when we were finding this week which was a miracle in and of itself!!!!!!
Elder Logan Flake
Elder Logan Flake