YES THANK YOU FOR THE THERMALS ITS COLD HERE!! Hahaha yesterday it just randomly dropped down to like 22 degrees as we were walking around tracting!! I was like "AAAHHH THATS COLD!" Made me glad for them!
So this week was a little crazy! P-day we played some epic cutthroat basketball and that was a blast like always! On Tuesday I had my birthday and exchanges! I got to go with elder Clark my hilarious district leader! So, first off we headed downtown and walked around and gave out like 35 "He is the Gift" cards and that was awesome! Because even just a simple card talking about Christ can easily plant a seed of faith in someone. :) Then we went and helped to teach an English class to a bunch of immigrants at the library again and that was a blast! I helped out an older Hispanic man named Orlando who was hilarious! I could barely understand a word he said and I'm pretty sure that he could barely understand a word that I said! But man we had fun with it. :) We then went knocking and got some awesome potential investigators for our Spanish zone leaders, and then we went and saw Curtis. After that, we went to the Poole's home for dinner and did the discussion thing about missionary work again and we were able to get a lot of wonderful insights from them. Hahahaha at one point during dinner brother Poole looks at me and says, "Well elder Flake, you drew the short straw because you're the one here instead of elder Curless. Could you talk in church on Sunday?" Darn it!!! :) Oh and when we were tracting that evening, we totally met an awesome black lady named Lori! Hahahaha when we mentioned Jesus, she just started going off! She just started going "Oh Jesus is my savior! He is my king and my Lord! I love Him and He loves me!" We couldn't even get a word in she was so loud! :)
Wednesday, we had a short district meeting and then we had a white elephant gift exchange! Elder Clark got my present which was a big "pretty fairy princess" set (with accessories) and a fake samurai sword! I got a puzzle.........:) But it was hilarious! We then went to the Cluff's home and had dinner with them and man they gave us so much food to take home! Our fridge is still packed!!!!! But they were really awesome and really kind people. THEN IT WAS CHRISTMAS! Woke up and unwrapped our packages, I got a bunch of SWEET stuff like an authentic Japanese tie from Alyssa!, and then we went to the Craypo's home and skyped! For some reason my sound wasn't working so I talked to my family on the phone while I saw them. :) Man Dallin and Spencer are so old! And Alyssa is home from Japan?! WHAT???!!!! Then we went to the Poole's home again for dinner and had a blast with all of them! Man I probably gained like five pounds on Christmas!
Friday we went and saw Will Barnett, an inactive guy who lives at the homeless shelter, and got to know him better and just talk to him. So that was really good but kind of depressing because everyone just looks so glum in that place. :( After that, we went and did a bunch of service for brother Vaughn again. :) Hahaha man that guy! So he is 82 but acts like a punk 20 year old he is just hilarious! On Saturday sophie, the investigator who we gave to the sisters, and her daughter Somel got baptized! We were able to go and witness it and just the pure joy on her face as she came out of the water was so amazing to see. It just made me so happy! Later that day we tried some potentials in Oakridge, this African community, and nothing was happening but as we walked back to our car these little African kids were like "hey do you guys wanna play some basketball?" So elder Curless and I looked at each other and then we each said "Heck yea!" So we played basketball with these awesome African kids for like fifteen minutes! Hahaha man I've never laughed that hard in my life! Those kids were just hilarious!
Sunday I talked in church and it went really well so that was good. :) I gave a 15 minute talk on "How can I share my testimony of Jesus Christ and have more of a desire to share?" Then Sophie and Somel were confirmed!! We also got to sub for the eight and nine year olds in Primary so that was a blast too! Hahaha and for some reason Sophie had cooked a bunch of African food for everyone so after church almost half the ward came and we ate a bunch of African food in the relief society room! THAT STUFF WAS SO SPICY!
Elder Logan Flake
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