Well first off congrats to Dallin on Regionals! MY LITTLE BRUVUH IS GROWIN UP! Sounds like a pretty mellow week but hey those are the best sometimes!! Des Moines is the best I never wanna leave! Elder Deeds is a boss too I love the guy to death! He is an awesome worker! So this week was hard.
This week we felt like we needed to start trying to see some less-actives from the directory, we have almost 400 of them, so we put together a list of about ten families living in the same neighborhood. We went and tried to see every single one of them and it was....interesting. Some were awesome and wanted to come back to church! :D Some didn't care, and some didn't even know anything about the gospel which was interesting because honestly I'm not sure why they were baptized because they don't care at all. :( But on the bright side, on Sunday night Brother Petersen (our ward mission leader) and Bishop Dyer went through the ward directory and listed families they would like us to focus on. And on Tuesday night, us and the sisters are having a meeting with Brother Petersen to figure everything out so we can start doing more to help the ward out. :) So that's exciting! Elder Deeds and I have just been talking and we both felt like we need to start focusing on the less-active members more.
On Wednesday, we went with brother Vaughn and helped him to paint a nursery that Alzheimer's patients use in a senior care home that his niece runs. It was kind of creepy because the people with Alzheimer's play with dolls and change their diapers and such because they think that the dolls are their children. But it was cool being able to help them all out. :) And later that day when we were knocking doors we totally taught a Nepalese family about Jesus Christ! They are all Hindus but they were curious why we were going around and knocking doors and it was awesome because the Spirit was so strong and they all speak English well which made it even better! Whew! That was a long sentence. :) We also tried to contact a inactive boy named Jayden that the bishop asked us to go see. Hahaha a HUGE black bro opens the door and when we asked if Jayden was there he was like "Man! Tell your people to stop coming by cuz that guy has been gone forever!" He then invited us in because he wanted to talk to us! His name is Lance and he studied a lot of theology in college so he kinda sorta tried to bash with us but we didn't bash back so we kind of taught the Restoration but not really. He was a cool guy though. :)
Fun story real fast: we were trying to contact a less-active named Hawa Smith but we didn't know what apartment number he lived in. We knocked on this one door and a black guy in a white Muslim robe comes out and we asked him "do you know where Hawa Smith lives?" He shook his head no, got some flip-flops on, then started leading us around the complex knocking on doors asking for Hawa Smith in Arabic! He spoke a little bit of English but all of the other apartments spoke Arabic as well so he kinda translated for us as we went around!!! We didn't find Hawa but man the experience was priceless! We also were able to FINALLY contact victor! Which was good because we haven't been able to get into contact with him at all! We clarified everything for his baptism, which was on Saturday, and he was pumped to get baptized!!!! Sadly, we also found out that Beatrice's mom, who lives in Africa, just died of Ebola. That was sad to hear.
Friday we had an AMAZING zone training meeting which was fantastic! President and Sister Jensen are just so inspired with everything!!!!!!!!! Also, planning for the baptism has been so stressful with finding speakers, and then they can't come so we find others, and all this other stuff! BUT! We got it all figured out! On Saturday was the baptism!!!! And........................... .............................. ........................... Victor bailed. That was heartbreaking, that's all I can say. It really stunk. Yup. But the sisters had asked me to baptize Deborah (their investigator who was also getting baptized) so I was able to do that which was really cool. :) Just seeing the pure joy on her face when I brought her up out of the water was awesome. :) And on Sunday I was able to confirm her as well, which was REALLY nerve-wracking but it was awesome!
Elder Logan Flake
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