Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Week 29 2-16-15

    Man what a fun-filled week!! I'm glad that Jazz Mad went well! And thanks so much for that awesome letter! Gah! Dallin is dating???????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's so weird! Yep this transfer we've been doing exchanges up the wazoo! I'm going on another one this evening! Yep its still cold! It literally started snowing 30 minutes go! Hahaha I love Iowa!!
     This past week was a long, hard one. We tried by Victor a couple more times but he was always gone at work and we couldn't get ahold of him. :( So we'll keep trying but we've got no idea on whats up with that. Keep him in your prayers please! We tried some more less-actives and that was interesting! Haha one of them was a legit, sassy, old black lady! She opens the door and is like "Oh you guys again? Come on in!" She is really awesome and the only reason she hasn't been coming to church is because she has been taking care of her husband who doesn't have the greatest health. But man she was absolutely hilarious!!! Then on Tuesday evening, we swapped companions and I went with elder Whiting in their area. We had a dinner with some members of their ward, they're pretty awesome, and then we did some finding! Wednesday morning, we headed out to contact a referral he had but he sadly wasn't home. :( So we did some finding in that area and like the entire neighborhood was full of Buddhists! Hahahaha it was hilarious! One guy opens up his door and as far as the eye can see, his house is FULL of life-size Buddha statues everywhere! Its a miracle he was able to even come to the door! Hahaha oh missionary life and the people you meet!
     We then tried some finding and saw an investigator of theirs named Graham, that guy is awesome! Then we did service at Bidwell, which is this giant food pantry! We unloaded like 4 pallets of food off a truck and then stocked the shelves and that was just a blast! Later that night, we were doing some finding but we had to go home because it was just TOO COLD to even try to do anything! Haha so here is the funny story of the week! We tried by a less-active member's house and no one was there. As we're about to leave an older lady pulls up in her car and is like "Oh they aren't here right now they are in West Des Moines." We said, "Alright thanks for letting us know. Who are you?" And then she said, and this is a direct quote, "I'm just here to check the beans." Umm..ok? Whatever that means? Then she pulls out her phone and pretends to talk on it so we just left. As we started to drive away, we notice a random guy open up the door, stare us down, and then he invites the lady inside. Hahaha ok?? Apparently they WERE home!
     On Friday night, our ward had a "Valentine's Bash" party thing which was a blast! The only thing sad about it was that missionaries aren't supposed to dance, so me and elder Deeds sat there and suffered listening to all of the good music being played. :P Saturday, we had bacon-wrapped hamburger, which was amaaaazing, at the Cluff's house and we taught them the Plan of Salvation. Hahahaha man their little boy Jonathan is adorable! It was awesome because we were able to help Brother Cluff give his wife a blessing as well because apparently she has been dealing with some hard stuff lately. Sunday, we had dinner at the Voss' home and we had roast and mashed potatoes and gravy and green bean casserole and apple fritters and ice cream! It was also really cool because David Garrison (a less-active that brother Voss hometeaches) and his wife Mary came to dinner! We shared 1 Nephi 21:14-16 with them and then a lot of us were able to share a bunch of really cool spiritual experiences and how we knew that God is always there for us. Another funny story! So when we were giving service at Brother Vaughn's house, I couldn't find a knife anywhere so I was trying to open a cardboard box with the point of a pen. Looking back, that was really stupid of me. Long story short, the pen exploded onto  my white shirt, Brother Vaughn randomly gave me a new shirt that he bought for me yesterday (sheesh that guy is so stinkin' generous!), and he fixed the stained shirt somewhat. :) Welcome to the life of Elder Flake!

Elder Logan Flake 

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