Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week 37 4-13-15

   Whoa! Dad went to a real estate conference in California? That's awesome! That's awesome that everything is still moving forward with the move and whatnot too! :D I love eighth ward its the best! And its interesting but the last couple of weeks we (the missionaries that is) seem to keep getting mentioned in like talks and stuff. Elder Homer was like, "Ever since you've come here the members have started warming up to us its awesome!" And then I was like, "Uhhh...all I do is say hi and be friendly and talk to them?" I don't know but its pretty fun! The members here are all just awesome! Tell Dal good luck with All State!!
     This week was kind of a weird one and full of service! Monday we got transfer calls and Elder Homer and I are both rocking Indy for one more round!! Woo hoo!! We were able to make contact with Lois again too! We offered a church tour and she said she'd get with her Bible study group and call us back since they want to study other religions! YESS!!!! We went and saw James again as well and he is doing pretty good. :) Tuesday we went and helped the Foxes move! They are moving to Missouri sadly. :'( Man I'm gonna miss them they are so awesome! Hahaha they have A LOT of food storage buckets that we moved and all of these big boxes and furniture and it was just a blast! Moving people is kinda fun and I've done it like 5 times on my mission now! :) So they were taking a GIANT tree from their orchard with them as well! So using a busted wheelbarrow, some straps, a piece of wood, and LOTS of brute strength we got that sucker into the truck just barely! Hahaha it was a workout! After the Foxes, we showered first of course, we went and saw Nancy Smith because she wanted to tell us something and she VENTED to us! She feels like the branch is hanging her out to dry and no one cares about her and stuff like that. It was kinda crazy and she even swore a little bit! Nancy NEVER swears! Ever! We were just like, "uhhhhhhhhhh." It was mainly she just wanted to talk to someone about it. I think she gets kind of lonely and just wants someone to talk to besides a bunch of people who are older than her. Wednesday was p-day! We shopped, played some piano at the church, played some card games at home, and that was about it! That evening, before mutual, we also taught Jacob the Restoration for the new member lessons. Man that kid inspires me to be a better missionary and person every time we talk to him! He has a fantastic testimony it was awesome! And then we were doing some finding later that evening, the heavens would randomly open and close on us. Hahahaha Iowa and its bipolar weather, :)
     Thursday was hard. Friday we did some more finding but sadly not much happened there. Later that evening though, we helped the Childs move some of their heavy things from their old house to their new place and that was a total workout! Hahaha they are hilarious! After that, they took us out to eat (haha they wouldn't listen to our protests that we could pay for it so they payed for it) and we went to this place called "The Sports Page" and it was fantastic! Saturday we had get-to-know-you district meeting in Knoxville and that was a blast! Our new zone leader, Elder Wardell, had been Elder Hollan's last zone leader! Hahaha when I first met him he was like, "Elder Flake, is Elder Hollan your dad?" That's what we call our trainers. :) I was like, "Yup I love that guy!" Elder Wardell then was like, "Oh man! He talked about you all the time! He flippin' loves you to death!" And then I was like, "Aww I miss that guy." :) That evening we were able to (finally!) visit the Corbett family! They are some less-active members who are hilarious! We got to know them a little bit better and then we were able to share the cross-Easter object lesson with them. It was good but kinda interesting because their little eight-year old boy Joe was going kinda crazy! And then Sunday was just awesome! Sacrament meeting was sweet as always and then in Sunday School we had an AWESOME discussion about how the Savior is our "sure foundation" as well as our "light." Man this branch is full of a bunch of spiritual powerhouses! Then in Elder's Quorum, we had an awesome lesson/discussion on how the Savior really does live! After the block, we again taught Jacob the Plan of Salvation. As we went through it and discussed it, Jacob revealed something crazy! He was like, "That school day that Bailey (one of his close friends in the branch and how he initially came to church was because of her) invited me to church, I had been ready to go home and kill myself that evening. The gospel literally saved my life." Talk about a spiritual blast! We were all feeling the Spirit so strongly after that! After that, we tried some finding on one of the many country roads outside of Indianola, we've been feeling like Indianola is getting a little "stale", we just about walked our legs off! It was good though we met some sweet people. :) Yup it was just kind of another interesting week in good ole Indianola, Iowa!

Elder Logan Flake

Week 36 4-6-15

     The house is sold?? What?!?! Oh man thats so crazy to think about my gosh! Weird! And Alyssa made Noteworthy! Congrats saas! *sniff* I'm so proud. *nose blow* Hahaha well I loved Conference! Although it was super weird with everyone talking so much about marriage and families and in my mind I was like, "uhh....I'm only 19!!" Haha but it was awesome! Hey random question real quick: So if I send mail to you guys is it still to the P.O. Box 2211 or what? I just need to know so I can send you guys stuff and so I can let President Jensen know. :) Thanks!
     So this week was extremely tough but still awesome! On Monday we went over to the Johnson's home and had chicken wraps! We were also taught the story of the Resurrection by Noah, he is their eight year old boy, and then we had resurrection rolls! Hahaha seeing Elder Homer's face when we opened up the rolls and the marshmallow was gone was priceless!! I guess that he'd never seen them before! We read Mark 4: 36-41 with them and it was awesome as we talked about Jesus calming the storm. We asked them if there'd ever been a time in their lives that Jesus had calmed their own personal storms and Sister Johnson gave us her conversion story-I had no idea she was a convert!- and then we all shared some experiences and it was amazing. The Spirit was just so powerful. Tuesday we went on exchanges! I went with Elder Kinikini (he is awesome and Tongan!) in Indianola and Elders Homer and Hopkins went in Knoxville! Man Elder Kinikini is a boss! We had a blast and were able to meet some cool people! We had the chance to (finally!) meet Tim Cook, a less-active member who is a sheriff and he works all of the time, and it was sweet! Its so nice every now and then to talk to members and just enjoy being around people who are members of the same church. It was very refreshing. :) We went knocking in Milo and met this guy named Jonny who is currently reading the Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and the Doctrine and Covenants! Can I say miracle??!! He sadly didn't have time to meet then but said he'd let us know when he could. IT WAS SWEET! On Wednesday I destroyed my back! 
     We went to the Hanson's home and along with Brother Hanson wielded 18-pound sledgehammers and broke up a big concrete pad! It was a blast but EXTREMELY tiring! They then fed us and we had an awesome object lesson about Easter and did it by tearing a cross out of a sheet of paper with one tear! Its pretty fun I'll teach you all sometime. :) We felt like we should go finding over by the Simpson College area and we met Molly! She is awesome and totally prepared! She has been looking for God recently and has met with missionaries in the past and even has a Book of Mormon! Keep your fingers crossed for Molly she is a boss! On Thursday, we went to district meeting down in Knoxville and Elder Homer gave an inspiring training on developing the faith to find. It was pretty powerful and humbling. We then went on exchanges again and Elder Smith and I went to Indy while Elder Homer and Elder Houston went down to Centerville. Elder Smith and I bonded instantly because he is the one who trained Elder Deeds! My last companion! We did a bunch of clean-up for our area book with potential investigators, sadly none of the previous missionaries really kept up the area book so its kind of a mess, and we probably walked about 4.5 to 5 miles. Haha sore feet! Hahaha and Jesse, the drunk guy from the other week, randomly called us and dropped probably 150 or so F-bombs telling us that he loved us and wanted to know how we were doing. Man he was DRUNK! Hahaha mission life cracks me up! After swapping back on Friday, we weekly planned and then we went and saw Nancy Smith again. She is the member in the nursing home whose home we are staying in. Man she is hilarious! 65-70 years old and full of fire! She is great! :D 
     GENERAL CONFERENCE WAS AMAZING! Easily one of the most powerful sessions I've ever watched! Although it was kinda weird with everyone talking so much about marriage and families and in my mind I was like, "uhh....I'm only 19!!" Haha but it was awesome! So I'd been fasting and praying A LOT up until General Conference that I would get answers to some MAJOR questions that have been on my mind and it was amazing to see how they got answered by the Spirit like five times over! The Church is true!!! Wow it was awesome! Every single one of the speakers was definitely inspired thats for sure. Before the Priesthood session we had an Elder's Quorum BBQ with our branch and it was fantastic! I love this branch so much the members are all the greatest! After the Sunday afternoon session we went to the Kentner's home and had...I don't even know what they were called! So Sister Kentner took a chicken breast, stuffed the inside of it with cheese and jalapenos, covered the entire thing with bacon, and cooked it all up! *drool* It. Was. Delicious! They gave us these little Easter baskets filled with candy too! I love the Kentners so much they're so awesome! :) Man I was so full! But this week was really tough for teaching but hey it happens every now and then. :) The Church is true!!

Elder Logan Flake

Week 35 3--30-15

       Wow thats still just so crazy that you're moving!! And thanks for the analogy Dad you crack me up! :) Thanks for telling me to keep a positive attitude because at times here its just like "Agh! C'mon people please just listen!" But it happens y'know? Ya just gotta keep doing what you're doing. :) I haven't been to a missionary fireside yet but I think they have them every now and then in the stake centers. But I'm not entirely sure on that. And to answer Mom I love Elder Homer! There is a little bit of stiffness between us at some points but hey it happens and things are running smoothly now. :) And.....YES JACOB GOT BAPTIZED AND IT WAS AWESOME! Details later!
     So on Monday I was just playing around on the piano while Elder Homer was writing some letters and then we got some texts. Sadly Joshua, Emily, and Gabbie all dropped us. It was a pretty hard drop for us but hey it happens and you just gotta keep your head up. Its like that one song (Can't remember its title) that goes, "Gotta keep your head up oh oh and you can let your hair down oh oh" or something like that. :) Tuesday the heavens opened and poured out not a blessing but a tsunami!! Haha I found out REALLY fast that if you happen to have a small hole in one of your shoes and you don't know about it, you'll find out pretty quickly once you're squishing through puddles in endless rain! Not to mention it destroyed the feet warmers I put in my shoes. :) Hahaha mission life! Met some funny people though! One of them, an older man named Jim, was sadly not interested but wow he had a VERY negative opinion about politicians! It was like, "Ok guy lets stop the swearing please!" We also met this older Presbyterian lady named Lois and she was very kind and invited us in.  We chatted for a sec, cleared up a BUNCH of misconceptions about our church, she didn't want to hear our message but she did accept a Book of Mormon and a Restoration pamphlet and said she would try reading them and then call us! Hey seed planted! Sweet!! We also stopped by a gas station, I had to go to the bathroom, and we actually saw Mikayla at the register! We were like, "Whoa this is where you work?" And she was like, "Yea I'm sorry I haven't been responding my phone got shut off and I've been working like 10 hours every day because they're short-staffed but I do still want to meet!" So she just said that she'd let us know when she gets her work schedule so its good that we were finally able to find her! On Wednesday we were knocking and somehow ended up in the richest part of town! Holy goodness there were some MANSIONS up around that place! Fun story: so I love those underground electric fences for dogs! We were just walking on the sidewalk and this HUGE dog comes tearing at us! So naturally I screamed like a little girl (Homer was just laughing) and jumped away from the sidewalk! It stopped at the very edge of the sidewalk and just stared at me! So I looked at the dog, looked at Elder Homer (who was still laughing), chose not to say anything and walked away. :) Hey I didn't see its collar I thought that thing was gonna rip me to shreds! 
     We had dinner with the Hansons that night, brats and burgers, and they were fantastic! We then were able to set up a return appointment with Cathy (a potential from the trailer park in Hartford) for Saturday! Thursday we had district meeting here in Indy and it was sweet! So the Monday of last week the Assistants challenged everyone to study just the Gospel of Jesus Christ lesson in Preach My Gospel for studies. So I was asked to give a short training on what I learned from my studies. I basically (according to elder Sites my zone leader that is) threw it down on enduring to the end and how it needs to be clearly understood by us and by converts. It was kinda cool actually because the Spirit totally took over! It was like, "Say this...and this...etc." I was just like, "Ok." :) It was cool though because I don't like standing in front of groups and talking very much because I'm kinda shy still but I was unafraid that time. Cool stuff. :) Elder Homer gave a sweet training on the role of the Holy Ghost in conversion! It was one powerful district meeting! We then went and saw the Whipples (less-active members) and they randomly fed us breakfast sandwiches for dinner! They were delicious! We're going to be working with President Cook closely on helping them come back so keep your fingers crossed. :) The only things we noticed that were a little bit off were they drink coffee and their 16-year old daughter has a kid. Besides that they seem like your normal LDS family. They are awesome though I love them already! We then went and saw Sister Ervin and she told us the reason that she is inactive is because she is super angry at God for taking her husband a couple months back. So keep Connie Ervin in your prayers as we try to help her out. On Friday we went finding in Spring Hill (another small town in our area) and that was awesome! 
     Sadly not much happened but there were some interesting experiences! One guy we knocked on came out and he was REAALLLY high on drugs! He looks at my nametag, looks at me, says "You're Jesus Christ?" and started to take off his hat and bow to me! We were like, "No no we're not Jesus Christ! We're just his representatives!" He goes "Oh." and looked really disappointed. What an encounter! This random little dog, we named him Carl, also followed us the entire time it was adorable! Weird experience of the week: we try by Tana (a potential) and we ring the doorbell. We hear her say, "Oh no its the church people and I'm only in my underwear!" Then a random guy yells out the back door "Nobody's home! and slams the door! .......awkward? On Saturday we were going with Brother Johnson (member of the branch presidency) to our appointment with Cathy but it sadly fell through. Later while we were knocking we talk to this random guy and he wasn't interested. We asked him, "Do you know anyone who could use a message about Jesus Christ?" Direct quote from him: "I do but I don't trust you to give a message about Jesus Christ I can only trust you to give a message about the Mormon Church." He then went off saying that the leaders of our church are corrupt, we don't even worship Christ, etc. The Spirit was repeating over and over in our minds, "Don't say anything right now it will not matter what you say he won't listen." It was hard because this dude was bashing on the church! It wasn't very Christlike but I wanted to prove him wrong! We eventually just said, "Sir we believe in Jesus Christ and that He is the head of our church. Have a nice day." Thank heavens the Spirit always knows what to tell you to say. And then on Sunday...JACOB WAS BAPTIZED! It was a beautiful service and Jacob was just glowing! And almost the ENTIRE branch was there! Its been amazing to see how much all of the members love him to death! Especially the youth! They just took him right in and made him one of them! Jacob's mom and brother also came to show their support as well as two of his schoolteachers! What a day! We then had dinner with President Cook's family and guess what we had? ITALIAN CHICKEN! I HAVEN'T HAD IT FOREVER!!!!!!!! It was fantastic and the Cooks are like one of my favorite families! The week was a bit hard at first but man Sunday made up for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elder Logan Flake  
Jacob aka "The Boss!"

Week 34 3-23-15

     Sweet!! Wow its still so weird to think that you're all moving!!! To me it feels like time should've slowed down in Snowflake but its so weird to think that it hasn't at all! CRAZY! :) I'm glad the play went well! And go Dallin tenth chair!!! Sweetness! Random question: do you know where I can get a priesthood line of authority from? ALYSSA IS EXCLUSIVELY DATING SOMEONE???????????????!!!!! SHE BETTER NOT GET MARRIED WHILE I'M GONE!!! Haha nah that'd be fine. :) And yes Jacob's baptism is this week!! He is such a studly kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We sadly haven't been able to get into contact with Mikayla but we're still trying. THIS WEEK WAS CHOCK FULL OF MIRACLES!
     On Monday, after p-day was over, we were able to go and see the Mcgees again. Man they are so funny and awesome I love them!!! Hahaha fun story real quick: so Monday was my "click" day (the day I hit another month on the mish) and to celebrate we went to DQ to get a blizzard and I got the "Cookie Jar" blizzard which is on the DQ "secret menu." YOU SHOULD GET IT ITS SO FANTASTIC! Never getting any other kind of blizzard again!! :D Tuesday we had zone conference in Des Moines! I got to see Elder Deeds again and talk to him!!! Man I miss Des moines! But zone conference was awesome! President and Sister Jensen and the Assistants are all so inspired! The Spirit was so strong with all of the trainings we received. :) Then our zone leaders both came to Indianola for exchanges! Elder Sites interviewed Jacob for baptism and he passed! Then Elder Carlson and I went knocking and we were led to 2 new investigators! We met them in an apartment complex hallway and they told us to come in. Their names are Joshua and Emily and they are both 19, engaged, and live together. Emily was really accepting but Joshua was a little more skeptical and had A LOT of questions which was good. Almost every single one of his questions was answered by the Restoration and we are going back to see them tomorrow and teach the Plan of Salvation!! The cool thing was at the beginning Joshua was almost like angry at us for some reason, he just seemed really ticked off, but as we went the Spirit softened his heart. It was awesome! On Wednesday, Elder Carlson and I were finally able to contact Nancy! She has been a potential investigator for a while that we haven't been able to get a hold of. We were able to teach her the Restoration and it was an awesome lesson! Although i don't think we taught the Apostasy as clearly as we could've because she just didn't understand it well. But we are addressing that when we meet with her later this week. :) We also met this really cool 27-year old Pentecostal lady named Gabbie and she is a boss! It was only brief contact after we knocked on her door but we set up an appointment for later in the week. 
     We went back home for lunch but as we were going. we felt like we should go back. So we did and we were able to teach her the entire Restoration on the door step and she was extremely accepting of it! Later she told us that she'd seen missionaries knock on her door before, but never until now had she ever felt like she should open it! It was such a miracle!!! On Thursday, we went down to Centerville (a small little town about 2 hours away in our district) and went on exchanges with the Centerville elders! It was a total blast!!!!!!! I went with Elder Houston and Elder Homer went with Elder Smith (fun fact: he trained Elder Deeds). Elder Houston and I had a blast! We met some......interesting people thats for sure. Haha we knock on this one door and the lady goes, "Oh I'm not interested but the boys out back might be." So we go to the back and there are two five year old boys playing in the dirt! Elder Houston and I looked at each other and then just lost it!! Hahahahaha it was the best! We went to a lesson with one of their investigators, a nice lady named Laura, with Sister White (their branch president's wife) and we taught Laura and her son Tim about the Book of Mormon. It was an awesome lesson and Sister White bore a powerful testimony! She then invited them both to church and was like, "I'll sit with you and show you around and help you out in any way I can!" It was sweet!! On Friday we made contact with one of the drunk guys from the other week, his name is Jesse we found out, and he was sober and looked like a completely different person! We set up an appointment for the next day with him and he promised not to be drunk. On Saturday, we got permission to go up to Des Moines for Cecilia's baptism! Elder Deeds and I were the ones who originally found Cecilia. It was an awesome service! Cecilia and four of her kids all got baptized!! After that, we drove back down to Indianola to go talk to Jesse about the Restoration.
     He was extremely drunk on vodka sadly. :(  We did our best trying to answer all of his......interesting questions but we eventually just said, "Well we've gotta go sorry see ya later." He also randomly lit up two cigarettes while we were there so we had to go and change our clothes because the smell was pretty bad. As we were walking back home that night, we saw Bryan (a former) cleaning his car so we stopped and talked to him for a bit. He invited us in and talked to us for a bit. He is awesome! He has met with missionaries before in the past so he knows everything that we do and teach. He tended to dominate the conversation a bit with talking about the corruptness of everything but we were able to just simply invite him to come to church the next day. On Sunday Bryan actually surprised us and came to church! He showed up in a suit and tie and everything! He really enjoyed sacrament meeting but he had to leave halfway through Sunday School. But he told us he enjoyed "trying out our church" again. :) After church the branch had a soup and chili lunch that we all had. IT WAS AMAZING!!! My favorite was this like tomato soup and chili combination thing that tasted fantastic! Then later that evening, we felt like we should knock this really nice rich part of town where people had previously been not interested and we met TJ! He is an awesome college student who believes in Christ and is just a boss! But sadly he was only in Indianola with family for Spring Break but he lives in Cedar Rapids. So we were able to get his information and we're sending it to the mission office so they can send it to the Cedar Rapids missionaries!! Hahahahahaha one of my favorite excuses someone has given us at the door approach happened yesterday! Quote: "Yea come back some other time cuz I'm watching the game right now." I love people they crack me up!

Elder Logan Flake

Week 33 3-16-15

 Wow what a week! And thats awesome about pie day! We did that in Calculus last year and some people brought pies and we all ate them! :D Congrats to Dallin on 15th chair! My little bruvuh is growin up. :') I get to practice the piano every p day at the church and I sing in the shower, at church, and around the house (hehe I'm sure elder Homer gets annoyed...bwahahahaha!) but besides that not really. :) Hahaha it was kinda cool but my first sunday here one of the members, Sister Press a super sweet lady, came up to me and said, "I was sitting in front of you and wow you have a beautiful voice!" So of course me being me, I kinda blushed and said, "Uhhh...thanks!" :P Man you guys are moving?! Its just to grandma Flake's house right? Whoa! Crazy! And Dad it sounds like you're having a great time with real estate! Elder Homer has been in Indianola for six more weeks than I have. And yup its just us two tearin' up the town! We actually just met with the branch president yesterday after church for like an hour and just discussed the branch and what we can do to help everyone. He gave us a lot of awesome advice and asked for advice on some things and it was sweet! Apparently missionaries in the past have kinda done their own thing here so its awesome that we're starting to really build trust with him and the branch! Hahahaha so I was on exchanges with Elder Hopkins in Knoxville and some members there, the Adams family (duh-duh-duh-duh *snap* *snap*) and apparently they lived in Snowflake in eighth ward for like a year not too long ago! Jacob's mom did not come to church but yes I did get my package! Thank you thank you thank you! I loved the stake missionary newsletter too its awesome to see how everyone is doing! And guess what!! The members are starting to get a little more excited because of Jacob! He is just so awesome and super pumped about the gospel and he is already making plans to save up to go on a mission! :D What a stud! 
     This week was...interesting! We met with Mikayla in the library on Monday! So apparently she and her friend were being taught by missionaries down in Southern Missouri and her friend got baptized and she was getting ready too but then she moved up here to Indianola. She is awesome and super excited to keep being taught and progress! YES!!!! Then we went knocking in Prole, which is a little rinky-dink town in our area in the boonedocks! I think thats how you spell "boonedocks." It was like 75 degrees! Sheesh heat wave! Hahaha fun story real quick! We were tracting on Tuesday and we knock on this one house that had 80s music blasting. This guy with a big beard was like, "We're out back!" WE go around and start talking to them and its these two guys that are just completely wasted! Man they were so drunk! And apparently, they were high as well. The guy with the big beard was like, "I'm a believer!" And then he showed us this HUGE tattoo of Jesus' face he had on his bicep! So......yeah that was interesting. We just kinda simply walked away with them randomly yelling at each other over their Chihuahua or something like that? Haha mission life! We then went to dinner with our branch mission leader and his wife, the Hutchesons, and we had some cut of meat I've never seen before that they called "pork ribs." It. Was. AMAZING!!! Oh man the juice! The flavor! Everything! On Wednesday we went on exchanges with the Knoxville elders! Me and Elder Hopkins hit Knoxville! Its about the same size as Indianola or so. We did some finding in Pella, a smaller town in their area but sadly no one would even accept a card. :( THERE WAS THIS HUGE CHURCH THAT I THOUGHT WAS A MALL UNTIL I SAW I GIGANTIC CROSS ON IT! HOLY GOODNESS IT WAS GIGANTIC! IT HAD TWO LEVELS FOR HEAVEN'S SAKES!!! Then we met with an investigator of theirs named Robert. He'd been reading in D+C 80-84 and we answered the questions he had about it. Wow he is a super smart guy who is a deep doctrine diver! Talk about the Spirit giving you the words to say it was awesome! Like it wasn't a debate but it was just fascinating! Then we had dinner with the Adam's family, members in Knoxville, and that was awesome! Pulled pork burritos! Then we went and saw one of their investigators and because Elder Hopkins has the "Life of Jesus Christ Bible Videos" on DVD, we watched "John the Beloved's Witness" with him. Wow that was powerful and easily one of the few times in my life that I could literally feel the Spirit's presence so near. It was something else.   
     On Thursday we had district meeting down in Centerville! So the members in Centerville don't have an actual chapel they meet in a place that was a bar but the Church bought it and converted it into a chapel of sorts. It was awesome! Elder Homer gave a powerful training on "Teaching People Not Lessons." Hahaha later that day, as we were walking along a road back in Indianola, a random lady pulls over and says, "Hi elders! I'm Sister Richards from the Knoxville branch! Have you had dinner yet?" Us: "Nope, why?" Her: "Stay right here I'll be right back." Then she zips off! Not five minutes later she comes back, gives us a bag of food from Arby's and then says, "Here you go! Thanks for the work you do!" Then she zipped off! We were both like, ".....sweet Arby's!" Saturday I had the worst migraine I've ever had in my life and the mission nurse made us stay in all day. Man those are annoying I hate headaches! On Sunday, we had branch council. President Cook is one of the most inspired men I've ever met! It was awesome! And Jacob was able to make it to sacrament meeting again! We got to teach sharing time in Primary about following the prophet. Hahahahaha it has been forever since I've been in Primary I'd forgotten half of the songs that they were all singing! After church we sat down with Jacob and went over the baptismal interview questions with him because he is getting interviewed by our zone leaders on our upcoming exchanges on Tuesday. We then went to the Kentner's home for dinner and had spaghetti and meatballs with them. They have been converts since 2005 and are awesome! Hahaha so apparently the initial contact that they had with the church was through Donny Osmond! Sister Kentner loved his songs and they got a Book of Mormon from his website! Hahahaha who knew? And that was about the week! I love Iowa!

Elder Logan Flake