Whoa! Dad went to a real estate conference in California? That's awesome! That's awesome that everything is still moving forward with the move and whatnot too! :D I love eighth ward its the best! And its interesting but the last couple of weeks we (the missionaries that is) seem to keep getting mentioned in like talks and stuff. Elder Homer was like, "Ever since you've come here the members have started warming up to us its awesome!" And then I was like, "Uhhh...all I do is say hi and be friendly and talk to them?" I don't know but its pretty fun! The members here are all just awesome! Tell Dal good luck with All State!!
This week was kind of a weird one and full of service! Monday we got transfer calls and Elder Homer and I are both rocking Indy for one more round!! Woo hoo!! We were able to make contact with Lois again too! We offered a church tour and she said she'd get with her Bible study group and call us back since they want to study other religions! YESS!!!! We went and saw James again as well and he is doing pretty good. :) Tuesday we went and helped the Foxes move! They are moving to Missouri sadly. :'( Man I'm gonna miss them they are so awesome! Hahaha they have A LOT of food storage buckets that we moved and all of these big boxes and furniture and it was just a blast! Moving people is kinda fun and I've done it like 5 times on my mission now! :) So they were taking a GIANT tree from their orchard with them as well! So using a busted wheelbarrow, some straps, a piece of wood, and LOTS of brute strength we got that sucker into the truck just barely! Hahaha it was a workout! After the Foxes, we showered first of course, we went and saw Nancy Smith because she wanted to tell us something and she VENTED to us! She feels like the branch is hanging her out to dry and no one cares about her and stuff like that. It was kinda crazy and she even swore a little bit! Nancy NEVER swears! Ever! We were just like, "uhhhhhhhhhh." It was mainly she just wanted to talk to someone about it. I think she gets kind of lonely and just wants someone to talk to besides a bunch of people who are older than her. Wednesday was p-day! We shopped, played some piano at the church, played some card games at home, and that was about it! That evening, before mutual, we also taught Jacob the Restoration for the new member lessons. Man that kid inspires me to be a better missionary and person every time we talk to him! He has a fantastic testimony it was awesome! And then we were doing some finding later that evening, the heavens would randomly open and close on us. Hahahaha Iowa and its bipolar weather, :)
Thursday was hard. Friday we did some more finding but sadly not much happened there. Later that evening though, we helped the Childs move some of their heavy things from their old house to their new place and that was a total workout! Hahaha they are hilarious! After that, they took us out to eat (haha they wouldn't listen to our protests that we could pay for it so they payed for it) and we went to this place called "The Sports Page" and it was fantastic! Saturday we had get-to-know-you district meeting in Knoxville and that was a blast! Our new zone leader, Elder Wardell, had been Elder Hollan's last zone leader! Hahaha when I first met him he was like, "Elder Flake, is Elder Hollan your dad?" That's what we call our trainers. :) I was like, "Yup I love that guy!" Elder Wardell then was like, "Oh man! He talked about you all the time! He flippin' loves you to death!" And then I was like, "Aww I miss that guy." :) That evening we were able to (finally!) visit the Corbett family! They are some less-active members who are hilarious! We got to know them a little bit better and then we were able to share the cross-Easter object lesson with them. It was good but kinda interesting because their little eight-year old boy Joe was going kinda crazy! And then Sunday was just awesome! Sacrament meeting was sweet as always and then in Sunday School we had an AWESOME discussion about how the Savior is our "sure foundation" as well as our "light." Man this branch is full of a bunch of spiritual powerhouses! Then in Elder's Quorum, we had an awesome lesson/discussion on how the Savior really does live! After the block, we again taught Jacob the Plan of Salvation. As we went through it and discussed it, Jacob revealed something crazy! He was like, "That school day that Bailey (one of his close friends in the branch and how he initially came to church was because of her) invited me to church, I had been ready to go home and kill myself that evening. The gospel literally saved my life." Talk about a spiritual blast! We were all feeling the Spirit so strongly after that! After that, we tried some finding on one of the many country roads outside of Indianola, we've been feeling like Indianola is getting a little "stale", we just about walked our legs off! It was good though we met some sweet people. :) Yup it was just kind of another interesting week in good ole Indianola, Iowa!
Elder Logan Flake