Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week 33 3-16-15

 Wow what a week! And thats awesome about pie day! We did that in Calculus last year and some people brought pies and we all ate them! :D Congrats to Dallin on 15th chair! My little bruvuh is growin up. :') I get to practice the piano every p day at the church and I sing in the shower, at church, and around the house (hehe I'm sure elder Homer gets annoyed...bwahahahaha!) but besides that not really. :) Hahaha it was kinda cool but my first sunday here one of the members, Sister Press a super sweet lady, came up to me and said, "I was sitting in front of you and wow you have a beautiful voice!" So of course me being me, I kinda blushed and said, "Uhhh...thanks!" :P Man you guys are moving?! Its just to grandma Flake's house right? Whoa! Crazy! And Dad it sounds like you're having a great time with real estate! Elder Homer has been in Indianola for six more weeks than I have. And yup its just us two tearin' up the town! We actually just met with the branch president yesterday after church for like an hour and just discussed the branch and what we can do to help everyone. He gave us a lot of awesome advice and asked for advice on some things and it was sweet! Apparently missionaries in the past have kinda done their own thing here so its awesome that we're starting to really build trust with him and the branch! Hahahaha so I was on exchanges with Elder Hopkins in Knoxville and some members there, the Adams family (duh-duh-duh-duh *snap* *snap*) and apparently they lived in Snowflake in eighth ward for like a year not too long ago! Jacob's mom did not come to church but yes I did get my package! Thank you thank you thank you! I loved the stake missionary newsletter too its awesome to see how everyone is doing! And guess what!! The members are starting to get a little more excited because of Jacob! He is just so awesome and super pumped about the gospel and he is already making plans to save up to go on a mission! :D What a stud! 
     This week was...interesting! We met with Mikayla in the library on Monday! So apparently she and her friend were being taught by missionaries down in Southern Missouri and her friend got baptized and she was getting ready too but then she moved up here to Indianola. She is awesome and super excited to keep being taught and progress! YES!!!! Then we went knocking in Prole, which is a little rinky-dink town in our area in the boonedocks! I think thats how you spell "boonedocks." It was like 75 degrees! Sheesh heat wave! Hahaha fun story real quick! We were tracting on Tuesday and we knock on this one house that had 80s music blasting. This guy with a big beard was like, "We're out back!" WE go around and start talking to them and its these two guys that are just completely wasted! Man they were so drunk! And apparently, they were high as well. The guy with the big beard was like, "I'm a believer!" And then he showed us this HUGE tattoo of Jesus' face he had on his bicep! So......yeah that was interesting. We just kinda simply walked away with them randomly yelling at each other over their Chihuahua or something like that? Haha mission life! We then went to dinner with our branch mission leader and his wife, the Hutchesons, and we had some cut of meat I've never seen before that they called "pork ribs." It. Was. AMAZING!!! Oh man the juice! The flavor! Everything! On Wednesday we went on exchanges with the Knoxville elders! Me and Elder Hopkins hit Knoxville! Its about the same size as Indianola or so. We did some finding in Pella, a smaller town in their area but sadly no one would even accept a card. :( THERE WAS THIS HUGE CHURCH THAT I THOUGHT WAS A MALL UNTIL I SAW I GIGANTIC CROSS ON IT! HOLY GOODNESS IT WAS GIGANTIC! IT HAD TWO LEVELS FOR HEAVEN'S SAKES!!! Then we met with an investigator of theirs named Robert. He'd been reading in D+C 80-84 and we answered the questions he had about it. Wow he is a super smart guy who is a deep doctrine diver! Talk about the Spirit giving you the words to say it was awesome! Like it wasn't a debate but it was just fascinating! Then we had dinner with the Adam's family, members in Knoxville, and that was awesome! Pulled pork burritos! Then we went and saw one of their investigators and because Elder Hopkins has the "Life of Jesus Christ Bible Videos" on DVD, we watched "John the Beloved's Witness" with him. Wow that was powerful and easily one of the few times in my life that I could literally feel the Spirit's presence so near. It was something else.   
     On Thursday we had district meeting down in Centerville! So the members in Centerville don't have an actual chapel they meet in a place that was a bar but the Church bought it and converted it into a chapel of sorts. It was awesome! Elder Homer gave a powerful training on "Teaching People Not Lessons." Hahaha later that day, as we were walking along a road back in Indianola, a random lady pulls over and says, "Hi elders! I'm Sister Richards from the Knoxville branch! Have you had dinner yet?" Us: "Nope, why?" Her: "Stay right here I'll be right back." Then she zips off! Not five minutes later she comes back, gives us a bag of food from Arby's and then says, "Here you go! Thanks for the work you do!" Then she zipped off! We were both like, ".....sweet Arby's!" Saturday I had the worst migraine I've ever had in my life and the mission nurse made us stay in all day. Man those are annoying I hate headaches! On Sunday, we had branch council. President Cook is one of the most inspired men I've ever met! It was awesome! And Jacob was able to make it to sacrament meeting again! We got to teach sharing time in Primary about following the prophet. Hahahahaha it has been forever since I've been in Primary I'd forgotten half of the songs that they were all singing! After church we sat down with Jacob and went over the baptismal interview questions with him because he is getting interviewed by our zone leaders on our upcoming exchanges on Tuesday. We then went to the Kentner's home for dinner and had spaghetti and meatballs with them. They have been converts since 2005 and are awesome! Hahaha so apparently the initial contact that they had with the church was through Donny Osmond! Sister Kentner loved his songs and they got a Book of Mormon from his website! Hahahaha who knew? And that was about the week! I love Iowa!

Elder Logan Flake

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