Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week 35 3--30-15

       Wow thats still just so crazy that you're moving!! And thanks for the analogy Dad you crack me up! :) Thanks for telling me to keep a positive attitude because at times here its just like "Agh! C'mon people please just listen!" But it happens y'know? Ya just gotta keep doing what you're doing. :) I haven't been to a missionary fireside yet but I think they have them every now and then in the stake centers. But I'm not entirely sure on that. And to answer Mom I love Elder Homer! There is a little bit of stiffness between us at some points but hey it happens and things are running smoothly now. :) And.....YES JACOB GOT BAPTIZED AND IT WAS AWESOME! Details later!
     So on Monday I was just playing around on the piano while Elder Homer was writing some letters and then we got some texts. Sadly Joshua, Emily, and Gabbie all dropped us. It was a pretty hard drop for us but hey it happens and you just gotta keep your head up. Its like that one song (Can't remember its title) that goes, "Gotta keep your head up oh oh and you can let your hair down oh oh" or something like that. :) Tuesday the heavens opened and poured out not a blessing but a tsunami!! Haha I found out REALLY fast that if you happen to have a small hole in one of your shoes and you don't know about it, you'll find out pretty quickly once you're squishing through puddles in endless rain! Not to mention it destroyed the feet warmers I put in my shoes. :) Hahaha mission life! Met some funny people though! One of them, an older man named Jim, was sadly not interested but wow he had a VERY negative opinion about politicians! It was like, "Ok guy lets stop the swearing please!" We also met this older Presbyterian lady named Lois and she was very kind and invited us in.  We chatted for a sec, cleared up a BUNCH of misconceptions about our church, she didn't want to hear our message but she did accept a Book of Mormon and a Restoration pamphlet and said she would try reading them and then call us! Hey seed planted! Sweet!! We also stopped by a gas station, I had to go to the bathroom, and we actually saw Mikayla at the register! We were like, "Whoa this is where you work?" And she was like, "Yea I'm sorry I haven't been responding my phone got shut off and I've been working like 10 hours every day because they're short-staffed but I do still want to meet!" So she just said that she'd let us know when she gets her work schedule so its good that we were finally able to find her! On Wednesday we were knocking and somehow ended up in the richest part of town! Holy goodness there were some MANSIONS up around that place! Fun story: so I love those underground electric fences for dogs! We were just walking on the sidewalk and this HUGE dog comes tearing at us! So naturally I screamed like a little girl (Homer was just laughing) and jumped away from the sidewalk! It stopped at the very edge of the sidewalk and just stared at me! So I looked at the dog, looked at Elder Homer (who was still laughing), chose not to say anything and walked away. :) Hey I didn't see its collar I thought that thing was gonna rip me to shreds! 
     We had dinner with the Hansons that night, brats and burgers, and they were fantastic! We then were able to set up a return appointment with Cathy (a potential from the trailer park in Hartford) for Saturday! Thursday we had district meeting here in Indy and it was sweet! So the Monday of last week the Assistants challenged everyone to study just the Gospel of Jesus Christ lesson in Preach My Gospel for studies. So I was asked to give a short training on what I learned from my studies. I basically (according to elder Sites my zone leader that is) threw it down on enduring to the end and how it needs to be clearly understood by us and by converts. It was kinda cool actually because the Spirit totally took over! It was like, "Say this...and this...etc." I was just like, "Ok." :) It was cool though because I don't like standing in front of groups and talking very much because I'm kinda shy still but I was unafraid that time. Cool stuff. :) Elder Homer gave a sweet training on the role of the Holy Ghost in conversion! It was one powerful district meeting! We then went and saw the Whipples (less-active members) and they randomly fed us breakfast sandwiches for dinner! They were delicious! We're going to be working with President Cook closely on helping them come back so keep your fingers crossed. :) The only things we noticed that were a little bit off were they drink coffee and their 16-year old daughter has a kid. Besides that they seem like your normal LDS family. They are awesome though I love them already! We then went and saw Sister Ervin and she told us the reason that she is inactive is because she is super angry at God for taking her husband a couple months back. So keep Connie Ervin in your prayers as we try to help her out. On Friday we went finding in Spring Hill (another small town in our area) and that was awesome! 
     Sadly not much happened but there were some interesting experiences! One guy we knocked on came out and he was REAALLLY high on drugs! He looks at my nametag, looks at me, says "You're Jesus Christ?" and started to take off his hat and bow to me! We were like, "No no we're not Jesus Christ! We're just his representatives!" He goes "Oh." and looked really disappointed. What an encounter! This random little dog, we named him Carl, also followed us the entire time it was adorable! Weird experience of the week: we try by Tana (a potential) and we ring the doorbell. We hear her say, "Oh no its the church people and I'm only in my underwear!" Then a random guy yells out the back door "Nobody's home! and slams the door! .......awkward? On Saturday we were going with Brother Johnson (member of the branch presidency) to our appointment with Cathy but it sadly fell through. Later while we were knocking we talk to this random guy and he wasn't interested. We asked him, "Do you know anyone who could use a message about Jesus Christ?" Direct quote from him: "I do but I don't trust you to give a message about Jesus Christ I can only trust you to give a message about the Mormon Church." He then went off saying that the leaders of our church are corrupt, we don't even worship Christ, etc. The Spirit was repeating over and over in our minds, "Don't say anything right now it will not matter what you say he won't listen." It was hard because this dude was bashing on the church! It wasn't very Christlike but I wanted to prove him wrong! We eventually just said, "Sir we believe in Jesus Christ and that He is the head of our church. Have a nice day." Thank heavens the Spirit always knows what to tell you to say. And then on Sunday...JACOB WAS BAPTIZED! It was a beautiful service and Jacob was just glowing! And almost the ENTIRE branch was there! Its been amazing to see how much all of the members love him to death! Especially the youth! They just took him right in and made him one of them! Jacob's mom and brother also came to show their support as well as two of his schoolteachers! What a day! We then had dinner with President Cook's family and guess what we had? ITALIAN CHICKEN! I HAVEN'T HAD IT FOREVER!!!!!!!! It was fantastic and the Cooks are like one of my favorite families! The week was a bit hard at first but man Sunday made up for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elder Logan Flake  
Jacob aka "The Boss!"

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