So this week was a smidge of a discouraging one but it was still fan-flippin-tastic!! So first off, Monday we just went knocking doors when p-day ended and not really much happened in that department cuz most people weren't interested but it was still awesome cuz we planted like 20 seeds of faith in them I'm sure!!! Hahaha really fast, so for some reason whenever I'm pumped/happy/warding off discouragement about something, I always snap my fingers in my right hand fast and say, "Planting seeds, planting seeds!" Hahahaha elder Hollan just about dies laughing every time and I have no idea why i do it but it makes me so happy for some reason! :D :D On Tuesday, we went to go see this dude named Lynn that we gave a Book of Mormon too but he was gone and on his doorstep was a bag with the Book of Mormon in it and a note that said, "Missionaries, thanks so much for visiting with me but I'm going to stick with my own religion." :( But thats ok we were only sad for like two seconds. :) Oh and did I ever tell you that there is a gigantic Nestle plant here? Its the plant where they make all of the Nestle drinks like Nesquik and Ovaltine and whatnot!! (fist pump!) And the young men's leader in our branch, brother Smith, said he could hook us up with some sweet deals on Nestle stuff! SWEET!!!! (literally) Hahahaha tell Dallin to be jealous!! We met this girl named Ashley that elder Hollan and his previous comp. had talked to in the past and we had a really good discussion with her on faith and the Atonement. She is 21 and has a baby, and her life has just been horrible so that was really cool to explain that stuff to her and it helped her to see the good in life again to some degree. :) Oh and we also talked to Jeff (one of our potential investigators) and we had a really good talk/lesson about the Restoration. He is the nicest guy ever but kind of confusing. He'd be like, "oh that makes perfect sense! But I just don't know if its true." C'mon man!!
Kevin (our other investigator with the bap. date of Sep. 20) fell through twice this week cuz he had to work overtime and his son lost his job but he is still super willing to meet with us again this week so thats pretty awesome!!! :D And Zac briefly contacted us and said he was sorry he has been so busy and then we lost contact with him again. Nut we still haven't given up on him he WILL get baptized I know it!!!! So Thursday morning, it was just pouring buckets but we went and mulched A LOT of pathways in the Community Gardens cuz we had said we would, and God totally protected us cuz it was like crazy lightning all around the place as it rained! When we were working and it started flashing lightning all over, we felt like we would be able to finish it and nothing bad would happen so we did and nothing bad happened. :) Later that morning, we got to go and have an interactive lesson about how Christ is our shepherd with all of the disabled people at NorthStar and that was totally awesome!!! Hahahahaha Jeremy (one of the NorthStar people) was the "shepherd" and everyone else followed him making sheep noises!!! Hahahahaha they're all the best!!! On Friday, me and elder Hollan drove down to Iowa City for a new trainers and trainee meeting with President and Sister Jensen and the APs and that was way awesome!!! The Jensens are sooooo nice and awesome and legit and all around like my favorite people ever! :D Hahahaha when we were trying to meet up with the missionaries in Cedar Rapids to go to Iowa City with them, we totally got lost in this neighborhood for a couple of minutes and as we were driving around it was like ,"Please don't hurt me!!" Hahaha it was hilarious!! Saturday we FINALLY got in contact with James (15 year old less active guy who was baptized in December) and we connected over the most random thing ever! Hahahaha video games! So that was awesome!!!
Then we talked to this former investigator couple, the Battersons, and that was.....interesting. Lets just say that she kinda dominated the conversation with randomness (your church is just another denomination/result of the Apostasy, the Book of Mormon isn't true, etc.) and they are not quite ready yet. But they are super nice and I know they'll accept the message someday if not from us. :) And to answer your questions Mom and Dad, it hasn't been too hot up till now, but this past week has been pretty humid. And Waverly is about 10,000-11,000 people or so. That library pic was actually the library of Cedar Falls (about 20 minutes away) and its where we send e-mails. :) But the small Waverly library is REALLY nice too! Like all of Iowa has insanely nice libraries I swear! We have a little (emphasis on little) church building in Waverly and its a nice little place. Oh on Sunday, Brother Matthews (a less-active guy) and his wife Kathy (a nonmember former Catholic she doesn't do much with religion anymore) came to sacrament meeting!!!! Well thats about it for the week so talk to ya'll in a week!
Elder Logan Flake
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