Monday, September 15, 2014

Week 8 9-15-14

    Thats totally awesome about the fair (especially those really good prices the boys got!-I'm slightly jealous) and about the concert! Hahaha oh mom, your life always seems to be a little crazy. :) Yea you can totally post my letters just as I write them, if i don't want you to i'll let you know. :) And we're allowed to say their names. :) But this week was super amazing!!! So monday we got our transfer calls (me and elder hollan are staying :) and this transfer is only five weeks this time so i won't be with him for quite three months but oh well thats how it goes) :) and then we went and cleaned out Wilma's garage (I vacuumed like fifty bazillion spiders and spider webs it was the best!) and then we found out from her that she is still having a problem with believing the Restoration, specifically the Joseph Smith part. We then went to Readlyn and talked to Brother Jones (his entire family except for him are members, we just call him brother jones) and we found out that he doesn't believe that our church has the priesthood. He believes that when Joseph Smith died, God took the priesthood away. And ho-ly c-ow he believes alot of random CRAZY things! But i still love him because he is super chill and really nice. :) We then finally got in touch with Paris (this way cool black guy) and we taught him about faith and repentance and he was saying like, "thanks guys i think that god led you to me i just needed that tonight." He has lots of faith and is way cool! Tuesday we went on exchanges with the Waverly West elders and i went with elder andrews to the west side of waverly. Appointments fell through left and right but we still had a blast and met alot of awesome people! Hahahahaha on one of the doors we knocked this lady opens the door and says (in a THICK russian accent), "hello nice boys how are yu today?" She wasn't interested but man it was awesome cuz she had the thickest russian accent i've heard in my life! It was such a fun day!
     Wednesday was actually p-day cuz thursday was transfers and that was a blast! Sister Farsnworth from my district is the only one who left but we got Sister Geiger who apparently used to live in Snowflake and might be related to me? Idk i wouldn't be surprised cuz there are A LOT of us Flakes. :) We came home and got Sister Buettell (she is an older lady who is hilarious!) and we went and showed Wilma the restoration video and that was awesome because it really cleared up a lot of the stuff that she has had questions about. YES!!!! :D Thursdaywe went with Brother Buettell (hahaha he is such a troll hes flippin' hilarious!) to Kathy's house and taught her the Restoration and that was awesome! We then went to Readlyn again cuz Sister Jones (she is from Mexico) wanted to show us how to make REAL (those are her exact words) beans and rice and they were fantastic!!!!! We met with James (the inactive fifteen year old) and sorta-ish taught a lesson he is really confusing to try to talk to...huh i don't know. That night, we taught this nice family (Bryan and Rebecca-a young married couple we bumped into a couple weeks ago) about the plan of salvation. It was really good cuz he had some doubts and really good questions which showed that he was really thinking about it, thats kinda rare so it was awesome! And then Friday was da bomb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     So first off, we had a get to know you district meeting (cuz we have sister geiger in our district now) and that was a blast! Hahahaha we played beer pong (but with this nasty fruit punch stuff instead of beer obviously) :) and that was hilarious cuz we are all really bad at it! Whenever you made the ball in one of the cups (they were numbered 1-10) you had to answer the question that went with that cup (most embarassing experience, favorite mission moment, etc.) We briefly met with Kevin and found out that he has only slipped up and drank once in the past week and a half! Yes!!!! And he is trying to replace chewing tobacco with sunflower seeds! Yes!!!!!!! We then went and had dinner at the Durbins house (they are so awesome!) and after that we took brother durbin with us and met with Kevin again and gave him the Church's "Addiction Recovery Program" book and talked about it and talked about signs from God and other random awesomeness and it was the best!!!!!! Saturday was reeeeeally hard, maybe the toughest day since i've been out here. We went to the church to meet a lady that we had an appointment with and she fell through and never showed up which was really sad (her husband killed himself four months ago and she wanted to know why and what happened to him, thats why she wanted to meet with us). We then went to the Sullivan's home (they live in Janesville, she is an inactive member and her husband is a nonmember) and they fed us chili!!!! Hahahaha they are the best even though they kept on redirecting the conversation every time we brought up gospel topics.....but we're working on that. :) (haha they really helped to bring my spirits up though) Sunday, we went to church (awesome as always!) and we discussed with our branch mission leader what we can do to give the branch a view of how they can help with missionary work. Our branch is kinda stagnant and our branch president just doesn't seem to care about missionary work and he is gone all the time. Its a little frustrating to be honest. :/  All of our appointments fell through but we were still able to get some good stuff done. :) So it wasn't the most productive week but it was still super good. :) Alrighty i'm signing off so later!

Elder Logan Flake

The Little Brown Church

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