Well first off, idk why this transfer is short but the next one is seven weeks so it balances it all out. :) And brother Larson (our branch mission leader) was in the MTC around the same time you were Mom so I was just wondering. :) Thats crazy that Grandma is going on another mission! Hahaha i remember when i first found out she was doing another one my first thought was, "why am i not surprised? Thats totally like Grandma to serve another one she is so awesome!" :D And thanks for Devin's address now i can finally send him a birthday card! (And its really late!)
So it has been really bipolar weather this week here in Waverly for some reason. Hahahaha one day we had to wear our coats cuz it was freezing!!! And a couple days later it was so hot that sweat was literally dripping off us! Blech! It was disgusting! But its all a good time. :) Monday we had an awesome p-day (like always) and it was a blast! After p-day ended we got to go and (finally!) see Allan Engel (this really nice less-active college guy) and we read out of the Book of Mormon with him and had a super awesome discussion about it with him and he said that he'd read it more.! Woo hoo! We then went with Sister Swallow (awesome member of our branch! Her husband has really bad cancer) to Wilma's house and we had the most fantastic and uplifting discussion on the Atonement ever! It was sooooo powerful!!!! We then taught this guy named Chris and that was interesting... Well, first off he is eighteen and working like sixty hours a week and (he says) he is an affiliate marketer on the internet and makes bank on that. He told us that last year he pulled in almost nine million dollars. Soo we're not sure if its legit or if he is just a pathological liar but we're working with him. And then Tuesday was like ARGH!
Hahaha so we had five (count 'em five) appointments all planned and we prepared lessons and everything and EVERY SINGLE ONE FELL THROUGH!!!! Haha it was like "C'mon guys! This is salvation here!" But its whatev we still had an awesome day. :) We went to this gigantic farmer's market and got like seven potential investigators! Woot woot!!! So that totally made up for the dropped lessons from earlier!! We then went tracting and met some cool people and thats always a blast! :D After that, we went and had dinner and an awesome lesson on member missionary work with the Ackerson family. They live in this GIGANTAVIOUS house that needs a lot of work but its the coolest house ever!! And randomly a couple weeks ago we discovered that Waverly has a Masonic Temple! I don't know what it is or what they do in it but its got the same logo on the outside of it just like the one in National Treasure! The G within the triangle thing! Hahahahaha oh man i love Iowas its so random!
Wednesday we power washed the Buettell's house to get all the mold off and that was a blast cuz i've never power washed anything before! Hahaha half the time Elder Andrews just power washed me! :D Brother Buettell then took us to the huge John Deere factory in Waterloo and he got us in on a tour cuz he used to work there. Man that was fascinating! Some of those tractors are gargantuan!!!!!! After that we cleaned our car for like 2 hours cuz we had car inspections the next day at zone conference. Then we knocked into a nice, older guy named Bruce and we had an awesome lesson about the Restoration with him! Haha he is VERY opinionated about gay marriage-he hates it!! Then we had an awesome lesson at the Garner's home (he is the elder's quorum president and they are way awesome!).
Thursday was my 1st zone conference! We drove down to Iowa City (like two and a half or so hours away) and the APs, Sister Jensen, and President Jensen all gave trainings and that was awesome! (They didn't even do vehicle inspections darn it!) The Jensens are just the best and so nice and amazing. :) It was kinda weird to see a lot of the missionaries who came out with me looking changed already. Well, i guess that i'm not really the same anymore either. :) My mission has already started to change me for good. :) When we got back we had an awesome lesson with Paris and Bria (awesome dude and his girlfriend) about the doctrine of Christ and she had A LOT of questions but the Book of Mormon totally pulled through and answered every one of them it was amazing! Like one of them was she asked us whats the deal with infant baptism and what do we think of it so we turned to Moroni 8 and it boldly answered them on that one! And then she was like, "Oh! That makes so much sense!" It was fantastic! Friday we went to NorthStar and had a blast there like always! Hahaha man those guys are hilarious! And then we had an AMAZING lesson with the Buettells with Wilma and we talked about the Plan of Salvation for a good hour! She straight up told us that it made so much sense!!
Saturday we were working at the Community Gardens and the heavens opened on us! It was like "oh its a little chilly this morning" to "AAAHHHH RAIN, LIGHTNING, AND I'M SOAKING WET!!" After that we went and met with Sister Hollandsworth (an older lady in our branch who doesn't come very much) and it was good but kinda awkward cuz i don't think she really likes us. Kevin (our investigator who has a lot of problems with drinking and chewing tobacco) invited us over to his house for burgers so of course we went! Hahaha Kevin and his wife Paula (she is atheist) are hilarious! Then he told us he'd come to church! We then met a boss, Dan, and we had an awesome talk about the Restoration with him!
ON SUNDAY KEVIN CAME TO SACRAMENT MEETING AND LOVED IT!!!!!! THE CHURCH IS TRUE!!!! HE SAID HE FELT THE SPIRIT!!! YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was the coolest thing i've ever seen in my life!! After church we went with brother Larson to Kathy Curlee's house and we gave her the sacrament and talked about the Book of Mormon. Man i love the Book of Mormon its fantastic! Holy goodness her faith is amazing! Everything that can go wrong in life happens to her i swear! Keep her in your prayers please. After that, we had dinner at Brad and Angie's (they're the investigators who love us :D) house we talked to them and had an epic heart-to-heart and discovered their fears about what was holding them back from moving forward with talking to us. They committed to start praying about the Book of Mormon with real intent!!! I love them and their family so much they just need to get baptized already! Thats about the week!
Elder Logan Flake
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