Sunday, September 27, 2015

Week 58 8-31-15

     What?! Spencer's tendon got separated from the bone? Thats nuts! You watched Wicked? Nice! I remember when we saw it in New York! We also got to see it when I was a freshman on the band trip to California! The giant Oz head is so awesome! :) YEP SARAH CAME TO CHURCH! We've only been able to meet her once a week for the past two weeks but hopefully more soon! Sarah is getting closer, small step by small step. She'll get there eventually though, I can feel it. :)
     Monday was dope! We had an awesome time at p-day, nothing too crazy this time. :) We were able to talk to a LOT of people though which is always fun! Hahaha that night we had a banana-eating contest with our zone leaders! Elder Martin totally destroyed us all in it, man our stomachs just hurt afterwards! Haha so much potassium riding in our guts! :) Gotta love living with other elders! OK NOW THIS WAS SWEET!!! On Tuesday we went to an appointment we had with a man named Curtis at 2, he was gone but his girlfriend is like "Oh come back in an hour, he'll be here then." We came back and it was a madhouse! Curtis was there but he and like four of his friends were getting ready to have a barbecue! Hahaha rap music blasting, his friends preparing the food in the background, but he's all "C'mon in bros! Let me introduce you to my homies!" At least they turned off the rap music. :) We started teaching him and his girlfriend the Restoration and when we started teaching about the First Vision it was crazy! Everybody was super quiet and listening intently, even those preparing the food, and the Spirit was super strong. It was the most amazing thing ever. Curtis and Melissa accepted the baptismal invite without question and he even said, "I haven't been to church for 7 years and we've actually been looking for a church so this is great!" Pssh! Yea it is! On Wednesday we went on exchanges with the Spanish elders! Elder Rader and I were here in our area and we had a blast! We were able to teach Sarah Hubbard again with Jacob and it was great! We went in there with a plan to teach the Law of Chastity and some other commandments but ended up teaching about the importance of daily scripture study and prayer.
     It was a little bit scattered, but the Spirit was there and thats what matters. I've come to realize on my mission that we don't have to be perfect teachers we just have to invite the Spirit and do our best, then the Lord will make up the rest. Its been a hard lesson for me to learn because I'm kind of a perfectionist, but I'm FINALLY starting to realize that I don't have to be perfect. I just need to do the best I can and the Lord will help. That evening we were able to teach Brian his first new member lesson finally! We taught the Restoration and it was great! Brian is coming to church, loving everything about the gospel, and he has now been smoke free for like 2 months!!!! After 28 years of hardcore smoking, the power of the Atonement has completely helped him break that horrible addiction! Man the gospel is so true! :D We were able to teach our investigator Alson (he is a guy) on the bridge and we taught about the Book of Mormon and were able to set a date for October 24! Haha at first when we extended the date he just flat-out said, "No." Then when we explained why we extend baptismal dates (its a goal to work forwards, etc.) he was like "Oh that makes more sense! I thought you guys were just trying to rush me into it and I wanted to take more thought on it first!" We were like "Yep sorry if we came across that way, we're really just want to help you out." It was really good. SARAH CAME TO CHURCH! She's come three times now and is loving it! We're still trying to help her to get that initial "push" but she is slowly getting there! Man! Life is just going so great here! I love Cedar Rapids and I love Iowa!

Elder Logan Flake

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