Well I got transferred out of Cedar Rapids after a meager three months! :'( It was really hard to say goodbye to everyone that I've grown so close to. Saying goodbye to Brian Foster and his family was especially hard. You really grow to love the people wherever you go. My life won't be the same since I've met them, they definitely leave their mark on you. :) So I was transferred to Quincy, Illinois! It is an awesome place! So we're doing whats called "whitewashing here. Both me and my companion are new to the area, they just sent both of us here fresh and we replaced the sisters who had been here for only 3 months. My new companion is Elder Winn from West Jordan, Utah and he is awesome! He's been out for 10 months, and he is quiet but powerful. We're having a good time! :) Thanks to the work of the sisters, we had an 18-yr. old guy named Carter Henry baptized and confirmed this weekend. He is hilarious and the chillest guy I've ever met! We haven't been able to teach anyone yet but we've been doing some finding and have met some awesome people. Hahaha we met an older guy who said he was a "born-again" Christian. We knocked on his door and he opens it then says, "No way! Ok lightning might strike, this is crazy!" So we said, "Uhhhh what?" Then he goes, "We were literally just talking about you guys! I just told my wife that I've never seen any Mormon missionaries in our neighborhood and then you knock on the door 15 minutes later! This is weird!"
So we all had a good laugh at that! :) He was a really nice guy but he wasn't interested sadly. In his own words he said, "Sorry boys but we would end up debating because I'd try to convert you and you'd try to convert me and we'd get nowhere." Man I've definitely met some characters out here! I'm excited though, I think that this is going to be a great place. :) I'm a little nervous because neither of us know anything about the place, but this is Elder Winn's 3rd time whitewashing so he is a veteran. :P Church was awesome! One of our investigators, a 55-yr. old man named Randy who is paralyzed from the neck down, came with his less-active mom! He is probably one of the happiest people I have ever met in my life! He loved church too! In fast and testimony meeting and it went well but I still HATE standing in front of crowds! Haha but I loved the plays in highschool, go figure. :) Oh I forgot to mention that we live with some members, the Davis family, who are probably the most amazing people in the world! Besides my family that is. :) They're both in their 60s and just the best! I already love Quincy and I've only been here 3 days! :)
Elder Logan Flake
Sad goodbyes! |
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