Man sounds like a blast!!! Thats nuts about the BYU games though! It sounds like it was awesome! :D No worries Mom, I know you'll bond with the Jr. High punks eventually because you're really good with people. Hey you raised us! :) It seems like the number of steers gets smaller every year sheesh! Well hopefully all goes well with the fair and school and whatnot!
THIS WEEK WAS AMAZING AGAIN AND AWESOME AND EVERY OTHER ADJECTIVE I CAN'T THINK OF RIGHT NOW! We were able to get into contact with Sister Liz Allen and it was a great lesson! We talked about daily scripture study and why its so important and she totally committed to reading even just a couple of verses out of the Book of Mormon every day! SWEET! Small and simple steps! :D We were also able to go and meet with Blane Blackburn (one of the less-active members we're working with) again and he is still having a super hard time with the death of his dad. We just talked about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and how He is ALWAYS there to lift us up whenever we need Him, any time of day. It was a really powerful lesson and just awesome. We went to our appointment with Dick and Bev Gates (two potential investigators) and we were able to teach them the Restoration!!!! They are an older couple in their late 60s and really open to learning about the gospel! Dick has never been baptized and when we invited him to be baptized he was like, "Oh yea definitely!" YESSSSS!!!!! It was an awesome lesson! Hahaha so random fun fact about Iowa: SO many people will just talk your ear off if you show even just a tiny bit of interest in their lives. So as missionaries, like every day people are just telling us their life story forever! Haha its so much fun! :) We were able to get in contact with Sister Hilton (another less-active) and we read out of 3 Nephi 11 with her and felt the Spirit guiding us super strong! I'm finally starting to recognize when the Spirit is guiding me now. Its taken me forever and a lot of humbling experiences, but I'm finally learning how to listen to it. We were able to see Travis Mcdermott again and we read out of the Book of Mormon and set a baptismal date of October 17 with him! He is super pumped to be baptized and even committed to coming to church! We were also able to find an older lady named Becky who has A LOT going on right now but I know that the gospel can definitely help her out. :) We taught her the Restoration and she accepted the baptismal invite without question and now we'll be giving her a church tour on Wednesday with some members! It was the best week ever! On Friday we did another exchange with the Spanish elders (the zone leaders encouraged doing a lot of them because Elder Martinsen is brand new) and I went with Elder Rader. We had a blast! We were able to teach some less-actives, talked to a SUPER drunk black guy for about 20 minutes about life, and just had a great time. Haha when we got home that night, we randomly had an epic Nerf war! No big deal. :)
We were able to teach Willine about half of the Plan of Salvation with Jacob and set a baptismal date for October 17 as well! She is doing good, just going through a nasty cold at the moment. Hahaha her little 5-yr. old son Isiah is adorable! He kept randomly interrupting the lesson by running in and just leaping onto her lap until she was finally like, "C'mon Isiah, please go to your room. This isn't time to jump on Mom, I've got company." Haha. :) We went with some members to pick Travis up for church yesterday morning but apparently he'd been partying all night and was super hungover. C'mon man! Oh well, he'll come next week. :) That evening we went and taught an African man named Yannick who was a referral from the sisters. HE IS AWESOME! We were just about to talk about the First Vision and suddenly two of his friends, Lionel and Jonathan, came in and they started listening too. The Spirit was super strong and all 3 of them accepted the invite to baptism! They're all awesome! I could tell that Yannick was really thinking about it because he was kinda quite at some points in the lesson and he had some awesome questions. This week my testimony was definitely built that the Lord has prepared people for the gospel in the areas where you serve. We just have to go out and find them! Now the main thing we're focusing on is maintaining contact with our investigators and helping them progress and come to church. One of the funny stories of the week: We were talking to a Muslim man named King and he randomly started talking about how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are one and the same. Later in the conversation we were talking about the ancient Apostles and he says, "No no no, you've got it all wrong! God has his own Apostles and Jesus Christ has own Apostles!" So we were like, "Uhh I thought you said God and Christ are the same?" He then said, "No no no you're wrong. I never said that, I said that God told everybody Jesus Christ isn't His son, He is Mary's son!" Man we were just confused! The people you meet on your missions are definitely characters thats for sure! :) Its always fun. :)
Elder Logan Flake
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