Random wall mural |
Nauvoo Temple |
Well this week was sweet! After some intense basketball (hahaha I usually just run around doing whatever because I'm not very good but I have a blast!) and a couple rounds of zombies, we went out! We went down to the main bridge and talked to A LOT of people! We were able to teach a man named Rafael the entire Restoration and commit him to baptism!!! He is a stud! He was in Afghanistan serving in the Army and his convoy got hit by some type of explosive called an IED. He lost like 65% of his back and got two rods put in so he could walk. However, that man's faith in God is so strong that it was just humbling. He was very open and willing to learn and it was an awesome lesson. The mission's new initiative with trying to talk to everybody you see about the gospel is awesome for two reasons! First, we're talking to everybody and inviting them to learn. Second, haha its kind of out of my comfort zone because I'm not exactly the type to just walk up to someone and sstart a conversation. :) However, its been getting easier every time and now I'm just having a blast talking with everyone I can! :D We went to our appointment with Chelsea but sadly she was a no-show. :( But hey it happens sometimes, you can't win them all! We made contact with Sarah finally! It's been like a month!!!! We saw her on Tuesday and we set up a return appointment for Friday!! YESS!!!! Thank you Heavenly Father! :D Man it was a miracle! We were able to go and see Kristi again and.....its just kind of a weird situation. She doesn't like the ward here at all, don't know why because everybody is awesome, and her faith has been struggling as of late. The main thing we felt prompted to do was just talk about Heavenly Father's love and bear testimony of it. It went really well and now we're just hoping that she will improve and feel better. I know she can come back, its just going to take some work. :)
We went to our appointment with Clay, a potential investigator, and it was great! He was like, "I only have 10 minutes," and 25 minutes later we finished teaching him the Restoration! Hahaha I love how it works like that sometimes! :) As we were about to commit him to baptism, he had to go because he was late for work so we'll be doing that next time. He is awesome though! He was raised Baptist, he doesn't go to church at the moment but he loves God and Jesus Christ! We also found an awesome person named Allie! We knocked at this one door, no answer, and as we turned around she started coming up the steps. Man, missionaries are like the KINGS of awkward moments! :) We just started talking to her and she was super open! It was sweet! We haven't been able to teach her yet but we will soon. We had an awesome zone training meeting on Thursday and it made me realize that our leaders are so inspired. I've finally started to realize that even if I don't necessarily like the counsel we're given by our leaders, its the counsel that we need. It was awesome! On Friday we had three appointments set up that we were going to go to with Jacob Orr. Sadly only one of them didn't fall through. But it was Sarah and it was an.....AMAZING LESSON! We just asked how she's been and all that good stuff and then we all felt like we should talk about Heavenly Father's love and the importance of prayer. It was literally just what she needed! The Spirit was super powerful and Jacob was literally the perfect person to bring because he and Sarah just "clicked" and he could relate to what she was going through and all of these amazing things! One of the coolest things was that we were talking to Jacob afterwards and he has been struggling with his own faith that God loves him for some time. He told us how the lesson had really helped to restore his own faith and he was super excited! It was just a testament to me that although we may be the teachers of the gospel, its for us as well. :) We found another investigator named Alson on the bridge! He is from Guam and he has had a lot of awesome experiences that built his faith that God answers prayers. He told us that he knew if he asked God in faith, then he will get an answer.
Sarah came to church on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! Jacob and Jaycee brought her and she stayed for almost all of the three hours and she loved it and it was the best thing ever! Whew! I gave a talk on the Spirit and revelation (haha Brother Johnson called and asked me on Saturday afternoon) and I think it went good. I've never really been a fan of standing in front of big crowds and giving a talk. :) Out of the blue we got a call from Blane Blackburn, an inactive recent convert we've been trying to get in contact with forever, and he wanted to know if we could meet that evening! We went over that night and got to know him better and found out some of his main concerns. We again simply bore testimony of Heavenly Father's love and did our best to help him out. A lot of people were needing reassurances of God's love this week for some reason. Oh yea! So we were knocking some houseboats by the river and at one we started talking to an older gentleman named Terry. He invited us right in and fed us brats randomly! Man we were so stunned by their hospitality! Haha you just don't really see that nowadays like ever! He and his wife Diane were super nice, sadly not interested, but they are just genuinely good people. It was one of the coolest moments of my entire mission just meeting them. Its always nice to know that there are still genuinely good people out there. :)
Elder Logan Flake