Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Week 45 6-8-15

     Thanks so much! Yup Elder Cook is a boss! And man is he a talker its hilarious! Well Dad I know its really belated but I sent you a birthday card! Hahaha sorry it took me forever! I'm glad that Dallin and Spencer are starting to get along better though that's always good. :) And yay for rain! That's so weird its like Snowflake has Iowa bipolar weather! :D Thanks for the vote of confidence too Mom and Dad it really means a lot. We're able to meet with some of our investigators fairly decently, but some less than others.
     Well first off we went to the Lake Aquabi state park on p-day! It was AWESOME! It was so cool to be able to just hike around random trails and enjoy nature and feel isolated from the world. :) Man it was great!  We also totally knocked into this guy named Jared who used to be a member! He is now Baptist and he was kind of a basher but in a nice way, it was sorta strange. But we'll be meeting with him next week so I'll let ya know how it goes! Tuesday we went and tried by Bob and Jared again. Bob was SUPER drunk and he couldn't meet at the moment and Jared was gone. That evening, we suited up in service clothes and helped the Foxes with their last big haul of moving the rest of their stuff to their moving truck! They left to Missouri Wednesday morning! It was sad, I'll miss them so much they are awesome! On Wednesday we went on exchanges with our Oskaloosa zone leaders and me and Elder Wardell stayed in Indianola. Elder Wardell is awesome! Probably one of the most genuine and loving people I've ever met in my life! We were able to visit Bob and teach him about the Word of Wisdom! He eventually committed to not buying alcohol anymore! YES! Hahaha it was sort of like pulling teeth because he just does NOT want to give up his beer! But we were able to show him the many blessings that will come as he gives it up so it was great. :) We were knocking and found a really chill college student named Adam who ended up becoming a new investigator! WOO HOO! That evening we were able to meet with Dakota again and teach his fiancée the Restoration as well! They are so awesome! They're already engaged so now we just need to help them get married! :) After a great district meeting on Thursday, we all went to PizzaRanch and stuffed ourselves on the pizza buffet! Hahaha classic elders! We had dinner with the Hansons that night and were able to teach them the FFT (finders, fellowshippers, and testifiers) lesson we just got trained on. It is a program the church just put out to help members become missionaries and to unify us all more. It went awesome! The Hansons were like, "If you ever need to teach anyone, our home is always open to have the lessons in even though we live a little ways away." Sweet!
     On Friday, we went on exchanges with the Knoxville elders and Elder Kinikini and I stayed in Indy. I love Elder Kinikini so much he is probably one of the most laid-back guys I've ever met! We were able to see Bob and found out that he'd gone out and bought a couple more six-packs of beer. :( Bob revealed that he feels he has next-to-no purpose on earth and that he would benefit everyone else if he just disappeared. It was extremely sad. We simply bore testimony of Heavenly Father's love for him and read out of the Book of Mormon some scriptures talking about it. We also were able to help him realize that God and Jesus Christ can help him overcome anything. It was a good lesson just a bit heartbreaking how hopeless Bob was. On Saturday we were able to go and help Brother Littlefield clean up his jungle of a backyard! Hahaha we all grabbed a pair of rusty hedge shears and took on the forest! We were able to get a bunch cleaned up though so it was good. :) Then weekly planning pretty much took the rest of the evening. We texted Kirt and asked him if he'd be able to make it to church and what we got back was 17 texts of cut-and-pasted anti-Mormon material. He pretty much got sucked into some hardcore anti and we had to drop him. On Sunday, Jacob Henry (our recent convert) brought his mom and one of his friends to church! We had a great fast and testimony meeting and I didn't really want to because I'm still not the biggest fan of speaking in front of crowds but I bore my testimony of the Savior's Atonement. We had a great discussion in Sunday School on the Savior's warning against hypocrisy and it was very enlightening! We then had a wonderful talk about grace from Brother Hanson and we read "The Gift of Grace" by President Ucthdorf from this last conference. We had dinner with the Cooks that night and were able to teach them the FFT lesson as well. Haha they are awesome! The boys all love to talk and they were just hilarious! It was a great week! Some sad points but overall it was great. :)

Elder Logan Flake       

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