Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Week 54 8-3-15

     Awesome awesome awesome! So wait I'm confused, who has a new car? The family or Alyssa? That is sweet about Taiga! Haha man! I'm sure its quite a big change for him coming to Snowflake. :) I'm sure he'll have a great time though. Sad that there wasn't any Black Thunders though, those things are the best! :(  Random question: did you get the package I sent? I sent home a little package with some stuff I've been given in my mission that I didn't want to cart around. So did you get it? Just let me know please. :)
     Well this week was a little nutso but awesome! Its crazy because ever since I've come to Cedar Rapids we've been like insanely busy ALL the time! We got haircuts on p-day! My hair grows super fast so man it felt great! :P We had a blast, Elder Barron and I collided heads accidentally when we were having a HUGE Nerf war but we were fine. It was pretty funny actually. :) We were able to go and visit the Meck family again and we took Brother Zimmerman (he is in the Elder's Quorum presidency) with us. We shared a message about how the Book of Mormon can answer any question we might have and we left everybody (including ourselves) with a commitment to read with the intent of finding the answer in the Book of Mormon. I'm kinda pumped to find the answer to my question now. :) OH YEAH I ALMOST FORGOT! Elder Bolinder's bike got stolen! We came back from p-day and it was gone! We asked all the neighbors if they'd seen anyone go into our backyard and they said they hadn't but that they would keep an eye out for it. We called the police department and let them know and that was the end of it. Or so we thought.........details in a sec! Tuesday morning, we went and gave Jacob Orr a blessing and that was awesome. He asked me to give it and I can't remember what was said but let's just say that Heavenly Father definitely knows and loves all of His children so well. We had lunch with Brother Lahman that afternoon and helped him lay more of his brick path for his yard. Brother Lahman is the best! I love him so much! :) We had an appointment with Brian at the library Tuesday night but Brian forgot about it so we rescheduled for Wednesday. We had dinner with the Dixons that night, they just moved into the ward like a week before I was transferred here, and they are awesome! They are a bunch of fun and we had a fun object lesson with the kids about the Atonement. On Wednesday we went on exchanges with the Spanish elders! I was with Elder Rader and we went in their area in Hiawatha. Hahahaha Elder Rader is one of my favorite people ever! He is probably half my height (and I'm only like 5' 10") and I have no idea how he has so much energy! We were able to find a new investigator named Porfirio! He is probably the most solid, humble, and smartest 16-year old kid I've ever met! I had a blast though, Elder Rader is such a stud. :) Elders Bolinder and Barron were able to teach Sarah with the Fords from our ward and apparently it was a great lesson! Elder Bolinder told me that they feel Sarah is starting to realize the importance of living the commandments which is awesome! They were able to contact Ty (a sweet guy who was a potential investigator) with Brother Couser form the ward and they were able to teach him the Restoration! Elder Bolinder was like, "Man it was awesome! The Spirit was flowing freely, we were all completely unified in our teaching, Ty had some awesome insightful comments, it was AMAZING!!!" We had dinner with Jacob and Jaycee on Thursday and that was a bunch of fun like it always is!
     That night we were able to visit the Walkners again and it was great! Hahaha Brother Walkner is hilarious! He had ridden RAGBRAI (its this huge bike race across the state of Iowa) last week and he told us he'd accidentally drank a little cider with alcohol in it, thinking it was apple juice. Later that day, his pedal had caught on the side of the road and he got dumped in the grass off his bike. So, he told us that he felt that was because he'd accidentally broke the Word of Wisdom. Hahahaha it was hilarious! Friday night we were driving home and a man rode past us riding a bike and Elder Bolinder goes, "Wait! Thats my bike!" So we parked the truck and took off after this dude and we stopped him at a stoplight! Sure enough it was the bike, with Elder Bolinder's bike chain still on it! Elder Bolinder said, "Sir, thats my bike." The dude swore us out about 50 billion times and then Elder Bolinder said, "I'll call 911 on you sir." Then the dude snarled at us, cussed some more, and took off riding away as fast as he could! So we called 911, they sent us a police officer (he was awesome!) and we gave him the details of the bike and the man, pointed the direction he was heading and he thanked us and said he'd search around but don't get our hopes up. We walked back to the truck, talked to a lady on her porch and explained the situation and asked her to keep her eyes open for the man and the bike. She goes, "I know exactly who you're talking about, he visits the house next to mine all the time and he has stolen bikes before!" We were like, "Wait what?!" Another lady across the street said the same thing! So we let the police know that we'd found a house that the man frequents a lot, then we went home. The crazy thing is, that house where the man goes all of the time is only like 2 blocks from where we live!!! Its nuts! On Saturday we were able to read with Sister Fernandez out of the Book of Mormon again, and then we went and taught Ty with Brother Couser again. We met with Brother Couser beforehand to go over what we were teaching (the Plan of Salvation) and it was great! We went into the lesson better prepared to all work together in unity to teach. We found out that Ty didn't have any food at all and Brother Couser goes, 'Well Ty c'mon and get in my car, we're going to Wendy's!" So we followed them to Wendy's and after he'd eaten we taught him there. IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!! The lesson flowed really well, the Spirit was powerful, we were all completely unified in teaching, and Ty had some great insightful comments! We only got about halfway through the lesson then we had to leave because it was our curfew. Ty randomly started talking about how he and some of his neighbors had been talking the other day about what happens after death and apparently they were just saying how they hope they make it to heaven right after they die. He said to them, "No you don't go straight up to heaven, its not Judgement yet. You just kinda wander around with some other spirits in a resting place I think." It was crazy because we haven't even taught about the spirit world yet and he already knows some stuff about it! Man! We had an awesome fast and testimony meeting on Sunday. Christine, Brian's wife, bore a great testimony how Brian taking the lessons has helped to restore her faith and bring her back to activity. Forgot to mention that we finished teaching Bryan on Wednesday night because that was the only night that he could meet on besides the day of his baptism because of work! We were on exchanges but the other elders taught, he passed his baptismal interview with one of our zone leaders, and he'll be baptized this Friday at 5:00 PM! :D :D It is so awesome! The Atonement has completely changed Brian's entire life and helped him to stop smoking! God really is a God of miracles.

Elder Logan Flake    

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