Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Week 41 5-11-15

  Do I really look older? That's weird to me because I don't really feel any older! :) It sounds like it was a fun time as usual with the normal concert craziness this time of year! Hahaha I remember all that hectic-ness! I don't know if that's even a word....oh well. :) And it was so good to be able to talk to everyone face to face! Man Dallin looks so old and kinda has stylish hair.....what happened to my little bro??!!!! As to our new investigators they are awesome! I've only met one of them in the past, when he was a potential, but we got them when I was in Knoxville with Elder Kinikini on exchanges. This week was a little crazy like always but hey it was still a blast!
     Haha on Monday we were knocking in this neighborhood with a bunch of little duplexes and our friends in the P.T. Cruiser found us again. :) They're just some high school punks who whenever we're walking around town they like to drive past and say a few VERY choice words. Usually we just ignore them and keep walking. So we were knocking and they drove past us and let loose with some curse words again but this time for some reason I was just like, "Hmmm maybe they're going through a hard time. I'm not one to judge so just smile and wave." Hahaha when I did they just looked totally confused and drove off! Tuesday we had the opportunity to have Brother Ramsey (the family history consultant in our ward and he absolutely LOVES it! He does it for like three hours every single day!) start to teach us how to do family history on FamilySearch because neither Elder Homer or myself really know how to do it. :) It was awesome! As we were going through it and finding out information I started to get super pumped! Its such a fantastic work! After lunch, I was sadly brought down with a crippling headache once more. :( Man this place is against my health! :) Wednesday we were able to go on exchanges! Elder Kinikini and I went to Knoxville and Elder Price and Elder Homer went to Indianola. They were able to find three new investigators for us! Bob is a really nice guy who is going through A LOT of stuff. Chad is a great guy who has had some mental issues in the past but he is cleared up now and ready for the gospel! And Jared is actually a former investigator they just happened to try by and he invited them right in! Sweet! The Lord is blessing us so much here! :D Elder Kinikini and I went and watched the John Tanner story with one of their less-active members, an older lady named Sister Arnold, and it was awesome! She is hilarious! We related John Tanner giving up everything he had for the Lord to how she needs to give up smoking and she will be blessed beyond imagining. It was a really cool lesson. We went to Pella (a town in their area) to try some finding and it was insane! So apparently it was the day before their annual "Tulip Time" festival (its a very Dutch town) and there were people everywhere! It was insanity trying to even talk to one person!
    We did our best but it was ridiculous how fast everyone was coming and going! Hahaha we stopped to get a drink at a drinking fountain and these two random older ladies say, "Elders! How are you doing?" We were like, "Huh?" Then we notice they were both wearing black nametags with the print of the Nauvoo temple on it! They invited us to have lunch with them, they paid for it even though we were protesting that we had money for it, and we had burgers with the four sets of Nauvoo temple senior missionaries! Apparently it was their preparation day and they just randomly stopped in Pella for a few hours! Hahaha it was so random but they were all super sweet! That evening, when we got back to Knoxville we realized that Elder Price had accidentally taken the apartment key with him to Indianola! So Elder Kinikini boosted me up and thankfully I was still small enough to climb in through the window! Hahaha it was great! Elder Kinikini and I had a blast I love that guy! :D On Thursday, we had a fantastic district meeting and then we were able to teach Lois the plan of salvation! We sadly discovered that she has absolutely no intention at all of ever trying our church out but she is just curious about what we believe. So, we're working on what to do with that. That evening, Elder Hollan called and I was able to talk to him for a bit. Man I love that guy and miss him so much! And its even crazier that he goes home in two months!!!! Friday not much happened but we were able to go and visit James again. Hahaha oh James! He just makes me laugh every time we visit him! :) Saturday we went and saw Nancy Smith again and it was kind of sad. She let us know that as soon as her sister passes away, she is just done with everything. She has gone through a lot, especially recently, and she is kind of just giving up on everything. It was really hard for me because I literally had no idea what to say to help her, I had no clue what to do! We just simply bore testimony that Heavenly Father loves her and suffers with her and she has so much to live for. On Sunday we had an awesome sacrament meeting! We had a great discussion on how the Savior is the light of the world and how He guides us to eternal life. Then in Elder's Quorum we had an amazing discussion on the Book of Mormon and how it has blessed our lives! Wow. My testimony was definitely built up. We then got to Skype our families at the Johnson's home! Dallin and Spencer are so old!!! Oh everyone is growing up its so weird! You think that time stands still back home while you're out on a mission but it really doesn't at all!

Elder Logan Flake  

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