Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Week 44 6-1-15

     Whoa its summertime?! Man that is just nuts! And it sounds like half of Snowflake is taking off! The Goodmans, Rawlins, and the Griffins especially! Sad day... Jared and Bob are doing alright, we're just trying to help them get into reading the Book of Mormon on their own and praying about it. Haha they like to read it when they're with us but forget when they're not with us. So we're working on that. :) Are branch is awesome when it comes to welcoming and fellowshipping investigators! Everyone here is just super friendly and open with everybody! :D A lot of the branch wants to do missionary work more they're just unsure of "how" to do it so we've been working on helping them overcome their fears. The rest of the week was pretty good though!
     Hahaha on Tuesday we were giving service at Helping Hand and we helped a guy load up this big truck with a lot of random donations and we got filthy! Man there were some RANDOM things in there! So after that, we went home and had to change and shower again because it was nasty. :) Fun story real quick: for lunch we had some hot dogs and some bacon and we were like, "Hey! Why not combine the two and have some bacon-wrapped hot dogs?" So we did and it just tasted like a hot dog with bacon wrapped around it, nothing really huge. We were kind of let down. :) All day was really bipolar rain! At one point it was just pounding down! We parked the car and got out and there was no rain at all for about fifteen seconds or so, and then the heavens opened more than ever on us! I was just like, "Umm ok Iowa whats up?" This place has the most bipolar weather I've ever seen! We were able to go and see Bob and we went through 1 Nephi 1 with him and explained it to him. He is doing good with his reading, he just needs people to explain it to him slowly so he can understand. :) Haha that evening, we went to go try by a potential named Johnny that we'd found about two or so months ago (he lives in a little town called Milo and almost never make it down there because of miles) and he has been reading some of the entire standard works! We talked to him on his porch and it was pretty much just him wanting to bash with us. At one point he turned to the part in the Book of Mormon where Ammon and King Lamoni are talking. He points at the verse where it says, "God is this Great Spirit of whom you speak" or something like that. He was like, "See! Your own scriptures say that God is a spirit and doesn't have a body!" We did our best but sadly it just wasn't the greatest. We gave service at Goodwill on Wednesday morning (an Iowa thrift store chain) and that was entertaining sorting through all the donations! Haha again some people just throw away the most random stuff! We were able to read out of the Book of Mormon with Jared as well and he is hanging in there and working on some issues still. But I know that he'll be able to overcome it with the gospel. :) That evening, we went and had dinner with the Childs' and they are awesome! 
     On Thursday we went on exchanges with the Centerville elders and I went with Elder Lindhardt here in Indianola. Hahahaha he is hilarious and has one of the funniest laughs I've ever heard! We found out that we are really similar! It was great! We tried by Bob once more but he wasn't able to meet at the moment. While knocking, this one lady when she found out we were LDS hopped out of her door and started talking to us! She was like, "My daughter just moved down to Mesa, Arizona and she said that she was surprised by how many of her neighbors are Mormons!" We talked to her for probably a good 20 minutes about the Church! She ended up not being interested overall but who knows? Maybe we planted a seed of faith. :) Friday we had zone training meeting in Osceola and it was great! Hahaha Elder Deeds just got transferred there so when we saw each other we were like, "No way!" Then we rushed at each other and he gave me a huge hug! Hahaha I love that guy! The trainings that the zone leaders and sister training leaders gave were definitely inspired. It was awesome! When we got back to Indianola, we were walking to go try by some potentials and we felt prompted to talk to this guy sitting on his porch smoking a cigarette. His name was Dakota and we were able to teach him the Restoration and give him a Book of Mormon! He is in his 20s and a really cool, open guy! Man it was awesome! On Saturday we helped the Foxes move a bunch of their furniture in preparation for their big move on Thursday. This Sunday was their last one in the branch before they take off to southern Missouri. I'm going to miss them a lot they are just awesome! Hahaha before helping them move, we got to help to bottle feed one of their calves. Its been so long since I've been that close to an animal, besides people's dogs and cats that is, so it was awesome! We were able to take our recent convert Jacob with us to a lesson that we had with Bob that afternoon. We again read from the Book of Mormon with him and Jacob gave a POWERFUL testimony of how the Book of Mormon and it was inspiring! Jacob is an inspiring example. On Sunday, we had a fantastic sacrament meeting and Elder Cook and I gave talks! As we were moving the Foxes on Saturday, the phone started ringing and it says, "President Cook" on the screen. I was just thinking to myself, "Oh no I've got to talk." He asked Elder Cook to speak on faith in Jesus Christ and me to speak on grace. It went pretty good I suppose. :) Haha I still am NOT the biggest fan of standing and talking in front of big crowds!! After church, we met with President Cook and had a coordination meeting with him on how missionary work was going. It was great! President Cook is awesome and we were all able to trade some ideas and pray for guidance as to what we can do to better unify ourselves with the branch. Later that evening we were FINALLY able to meet with our investigator Kirt!!! He has just been super busy working crazy hours in Cedar Rapids and the surrounding area. We were able to teach him about the Book of Mormon and he committed to a date of August 2nd! He is such an awesome and humble guy! 

Elder Logan Flake  

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