Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Week 55 8-10-15 Bikes and Baptisms

     Awesome! So Taiga is a boss at Nerts then? Sweet! Brian's baptism was awesome!!!!!!!!! It was so great, I love him so much he cracks me up! Yep his wife Christine is a member who is coming back to church now! We have three wards here and Elder Bolinder got his bike back! I'll give you details in a sec. And yes I went to the temple on Saturday, details later. :P
    I don't have too much time this morning so it might be slightly brief. :)  Monday was good, we had a great p-day and had a blast with basketball and chair soccer and all that other fun stuff. We were able to see Sister Albin again and read out of the Book of Mormon with her which was great! Tuesday I was in Iowa City all day with two of the elders there because Elder Bolinder went to the temple along with everyone else that he is going home with. I was with Elder McDonald and Elder Green and we had a great time! We went and shared a message with one of their members, did some finding, helped move around some furniture for some members, and then we had dinner with some members! It was awesome! We were able to have a lesson with Liz Allen (a less-active member) on Wednesday and it went really well. We got to know her a little bit better and then we were able to encourage her to get back into the habit of reading her scriptures again and praying which was really good. :) We had dinner with the Johnsons that night-pulled pork sandwiches!- and we were able to watch "I'll go where you want me to go" with them and discuss how we can all be better missionaries. Hahaha they are hilarious! At dinner we were all discussing the weird foods that we've all eaten on our missions. :D On Thursday we had a great district meeting (Elder Bolinder's last.....) and he gave a fantastic training! Jacob Orr came with us to a lesson with Ty and we taught him everything else in the Plan of Salvation in what happens after death. He thought it was really interesting and loved it! Now the only thing that we need to focus on with him is getting him to church because we get him rides and he is always a no-show. So we're working on that. :) OH YEAH I ALMOST FORGOT! We were driving back from district meeting and then we suddenly saw the same man from last week riding Elder Bolinder's bike! We followed him stealthily, called the cops, and go tour bike back! The cops were like, "Do you have a silver bike lock on the front? Elder Bolinder went, "Yep! I can open it too." So he went and opened his lock and the cops gave the bike back to us. The man said that he'd bought it from some black guy at a gas station and whether thats true or not we don't care. We just got the bike back which is all we really wanted. :)
Brian's Baptism
     ON FRIDAY BRIAN GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!! The service was fantastic and it was so amazing! He has come so far and completely changed his life and his wife's faith has been restored in God and she comes to church again! Near the end of the baptismal service he asked if he could say a few words. He bore a powerful testimony of the Atonement and God's love and it was sweet. On Saturday we had the opportunity to go down to Nauvoo-again!-because one of Elder Bolinder's recent converts was going to receive his endowment. It was an awesome session, I was able to learn some VERY interesting things about myself that I didn't know, and the Spirit was powerful! The temple really is the House of the Lord, I love it so much. When we got back that evening we went to go talk to some of the people fishing off the bridge and it was great! I was talking to this awesome one-armed guy named Dante and holy cow! Thank heavens for the Holy Ghost because there is NO WAY that I would've been able to keep up with him otherwise! He was super smart and a stud! At some points when I had no idea what to say, I suddenly started answering his questions and bearing testimony of things that I hadn't even thought of! It was so cool to feel the Spirit working through me so powerfully. Whoa. On Sunday, I had the opportunity to confirm Bryan and that was an amazing experience as well. I love Brian so much! :) We tried by a lot of people that afternoon with Tyler (a recent convert) and at one point we noticed that he had a flat tire. So we pulled into the gas station to fill it up, they had free air, and it wasn't even halfway full when it suddenly blew! It sounded like a gunshot and I jumped probably two feet in the air!!!!! He had a spare though so all was well. :) We had dinner with the Munsons that night and it was great. They are like one of my favorite families in the whole world! The week was super busy and awesome! Not to mention....WE GET TRANSFER CALLS TODAY! I know Elder Bolinder is going home but whats gonna happen to me?! Hahaha I don't know! Oh and I went out this morning to take the garbage to the curb and I noticed that now BOTH of our bikes are missing! We had them chained up to this huge metal pole in the yard! Aw man seriously? Oh well, we'll figure something out. :)

Elder Logan Flake  

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