Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Week 38 4-20-15

    Sounds like it was still an awesome week though! :D That's awesome Dad with your whole training thing! I know that you'll be fantastic with it, I still look up to you with you inspiring work ethic. I just wish I could've been a better help/son to you at points but hey that's just how the cookie crumbles. :) And yep we moved a tree! It was HEAVY!!!! That's awesome about All-State (especially the slide thing! I love slides!) too! I remember All-State last year.....whoa that was a whole year ago....crazy.....was such a blast! Remember the crazy Latin song "Himne?" IT WAS NUTS!!! Hey if I get to go down to Nauvoo this summer for some reason or another I'll definitely keep an eye out for Alyssa's special "friend" Scott! Bwahahahaha! (evil laugh) :P
     THIS WEEK WAS FULL OF SO MANY MIRACLES AND IT WAS FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First! On Monday, Elder Homer made me a "macaroni pizza" which is made with a box of macaroni and two "Tortino's" pizzas. He apparently makes it at least once for all of his companions. It was fantastic but I'm probably never doing that again with all those calories I took in............ Man! The stuff I've eaten out here! :) Hahaha later when we were doing some finding we talked to this one guy and when he found out that we were missionaries he says, "Well in that case you guys can just missionary on down the street. Goodbye." Ummmm ok guy we'll do that. :) Tuesday we were giving service at The Helping Hand again and Brother Press randomly saw us there as he donated an entire truckload of stuff! He is moving to South Carolina so I guess its understandable that he'd be donating a lot of stuff to thrift stores. :) Later when we were doing some tracting, we randomly see this older lady standing by a walker with her husband lying on the ground. We ask, "Can we help you guys?" And then she was like, "Yes please! My husband just fell down and he doesn't have good health!" So we were like "AHH OK!" and put down our Book of Mormons and rushed over to try to help him up! He was SUPER heavy so we ran and got some people WAAAY down the street to come and help us get him in his chair! He was fine, just cut up his arm a little bit, but if we hadn't been walking by they probably would've had to like call the ambulance or something it was crazy! Then later that day, we start talking to a lady on her doorstep and she asked us, "I was baptized Catholic but I want to be baptized a Christian. Can I do that and how?" It was kind of a sobering reminder that some people look at us as religious authorities, kinda, but I feel we answered her good enough. It was kind of a random experience. We had dinner with the Huchesons that night and then we were able to meet with Jacob and re-teach him (for his new member lessons) the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a powerful lesson. :)
     On Wednesday, we met with Nancy Smith again (hilarious as always!) and then while we were walking we randomly bumped into this guy named Jeff who has actually met with missionaries before! The only thing he would take was our card but he said he'd give us a call. Fingers crossed! Random story real quick! So we were walking out of the Casey's gas station on West 2nd Avenue, the one we usually stop at if we have to go to the bathroom, and as we're leaving the cashier lady goes "Wait gentleman! I was told to give this to you!" She then hands us a Casey's gift card for $10! We were like, "Who is this from?" She points to the back and says I was told by the person who gave it to me to write that on the From: part." And on the back it says "From: The Holy Ghost" What the dump?! It was so weird! Later that day we met this HUGE AND RIPPED guy named Greg who was super chill! We had a 20 minute long discussion on his front porch, his only concern is the Trinity/Godhead thing, but we simply bore testimony and invited him to read and pray. We'll be trying him again soon so keep him in your prayers! We went on exchanges on Thursday, Elders Homer+Kinikini in Knoxville and me and Elder Price in Indianola, and it was awesome! Elder Price is from Midvale, Utah and he is a fireball! Guess what I just realized! I'm the only one in my entire district not from Utah! :D We were able to (finally!) teach Lois the Restoration and she accepted the baptismal invite! It was a powerful lesson and she said that the Restoration just "made sense!" And then on Friday we had zone training meeting down in Osceola! The Spirit was strong and a LOT of insights were learned on how I can better myself to be a greater missionary. There has been times still just walking down the road and the Spirit is like, "Go talk to that person." And then I say to myself, "Nah I better not they look like they could beat me to a pulp and then eat me, so nope I'm good." And then the Spirit is just like, "You should've done it they could've accepted the gospel." So Elder Homer and I are both working on opening our mouths more. :) We had elk burgers at the Johnson's home that evening and we were able to watch the "Because He Loves" video with them and talk about it and how we can all share it to others. It is a fantastic video! If you haven't already I highly recommend you watch it!
     On Saturday it was awesome! Hahaha it randomly POUNDED us with rain all day long! Thank heavens for coats! We were able to finally catch Kirt, a potential investigator, at home from his work in Cedar Rapids and he let us right in! We taught him the Restoration and he accepted the baptismal invite! He is one of the most humble 25-year old guys I've met! He was extremely open and just a wonderful follower of Jesus Christ. Sunday was awesome! It was also raining and windy all day again! :) In Sunday School, we had an awesome discussion on priesthood keys which was very enlightening. And in Elder's Quorum we had a fantastic discussion, led by Brother Fox, on Ezra Taft Benson's definition of what it means to have "a valiant testimony of Jesus Christ." The Spirit taught me some things that I've never thought of before so it was pretty awesome. After church, we re-taught Jacob again, some of the commandments this time, and that kid just inspires me every time we meet with him! He carries a bag at school with him that has a couple of Book of Mormons to hand out, some pamphlets, and all this other stuff he just gives to people! He is just awesome!! But this week was just amazing! The Lord blessed us with two new investigators because we never gave up and kept doing what we could to work. :)

Elder Logan Flake

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