Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Week 46 6-15-15

Wait Todd gave his farewell?! Jordan is home?! AGH!! Everyone is too old this is too weird!!!!!!! Whoa. Josh and Vicki are probably moving?? Oh no why is everyone leaving? Whoa that is so crazy...... I wasn't able to do counseling last wekk but should be doing it again this week I hope. :) And yup Elder Homer and I got along alright but sometimes we just clashed a smidge. Elder Cook and I get along pretty well too so that's nice. :) Well Indianola was Indianola! Great and some random things happening! :)
      First off we saw James on Monday and were able to read from the Book of Mormon with him and discuss how faith keeps us anchored as the world gets crazier. It was awesome! Hahaha James is just such a character! Tuesday was SUPER RIDICULOUSLY hot! Our appointment with Adam fell through sadly so we did a little knocking around the area. We met a lady who....let's just say is not exactly the kindest to LDS missionaries. Hey that's the mission life right? :) We tried by Bob but he couldn't meet at the moment either. It was REALLY hot all day! The Lord does provide though! As we were knocking, one lady (she sadly wasn't interested) gave us a tall glass of ice-cold water which literally saved our lives! It was a total tender mercy! Its also nice to know that there are still genuinely good people in the world too. :) On Wednesday we had zone conference in Des Moines! They installed a bunch of these little devices called Tiwis in our cars. They like monitor our driving and squawk at us if we go to fast, aren't wearing a seatbelt, or are driving aggressively. I haven't gotten squawked at yet, mainly because I'm driving VERY carefully so I don't get reported. :) We had a bunch of wonderful and inspired trainings and we were able to all receive a lot of revelation which was awesome. :) We had dinner with the Hutcheson's that night and it was awesome! Hahaha they gave us some ice cream and I was thinking to myself, "For some reason this smells like coffee," before I ate it. I asked her about it, then we checked the ingredients and found out that there was a LOT of coffee in it! Hahaha she felt so bad! She kept saying over and over, "I'm so sorry Elder Flake! I almost led you down the path of SIN!" Hahahahaha it was hilarious! That evening we were doing some knocking and all of a sudden 4 police cars and an ambulance all showed up at this house like 50 feet away! We were just like, "What is going on?"" Then this random police officer came up to us and asked us if we could kindly leave the area. So we did because it was sketchy!
     On Thursday we went on exchanges with the Centerville elders and Elder Houston and I hit Centerville! We were able to teach an awesome lady named Sister Bairett who is less-active. She also has a dog that can do triple backflips to catch a ball! Hahaha it was great! :D As we were knocking, at one door like 7 dogs all piled on top of each other in the window trying to get at us! We just lost it we were laughing so hard! We were able to set a baptismal date of July 4 with their investigator Joanna too. She has been smoke-free for 6 days now ever since they taught her the stop smoking workshop! Centerville also got put on a tornado watch that night, the wind and rain was crazy! Haha so that night, Elder Houston was taking a shower and I was just in the kitchen when suddenly...it happened! Their entire metal kitchen light fixture randomly fell down on me and sliced my leg open! Haha I was just like, "Ummm...ow?" Luckily it wasn't a super serious cut, just about an inch long and a deep-tissue cut not a muscle. Whew! It was still painful but hey! I didn't have to get stitches! :) On Friday, we felt prompted to knock on a door by a potential and it opened! We talked to a guy named Reed and he accepted the Restoration! He is in his 20s, has a bit of a drinking problem, but has a definite grip on the Apostasy! When we first started talking to him he said, "I always get so confused why all these churches everywhere are always conflicting and never agree on anything it seems like! Why is that?" It was so awesome, we were totally led to him by the Holy Ghost!  That evening we were able to go and teach some less-active members, the Corbetts, and that was a great experience as well. On Saturday not much happened until that evening when we went to the adult sessions of the Des Moines stake conference. It was AWESOME! I saw a lot of members from my old ward in Des Moines and it was so cool to say hi to all of them again! Elder David S. Baxter of the Seventy spoke to us and he was hilarious! He is from Scotland (so he had a sweet accent!) and he mainly spoke about the importance of keeping the Sabbath Day holy.
     On Sunday, we went back for the normal session of stake conference and it was great! The Spirit was so strong. President and Sister Jensen spoke as did President and Sister Okiishi from the Winter Quarters, Nebraska temple. the stake president, President Pence, randomly selected audience members to bear their testimonies as well so that was a really neat experience. Elder Baxter then spoke about how trials and adversity are good and we should "rejoice in them." They really help us to grow the most. It was interesting to think about because I've never been the hugest fan of trials I'll admit. :) That afternoon we were walking around and it started to drizzle. So we put our Book of Mormons (Books of Mormon maybe?) in Ziplock bags and kept going. Then it literally dumped rain on us! We were COMPLETELY soaked to the skin it was great! Hahaha so many people were just laughing at us as they drove by, it made my day! No one answered their doors but we still felt great!

Elder Logan Flake 

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