Man that's sweet about the concerts! It sounds like they were just a huge blast! :D And it sounds like Father and Sons was just awesome! Hahaha that type of weather sounds like Iowa weather! Haha Iowa has the most bipolar weather I've ever seen before in my life! That's awesome that you switched offices Dad! Hope all goes well with your business you're always in my prayers. :) Have fun with branding this week too! And to answer mom, yes that's Nancy and we're trying to figure out how to help her out. She doesn't come to church the majority of the time because of health, but we're basically the only ones who have time to visit her. So she feels that the branch has abandoned her, which they haven't, and we're trying to help her out. Its kind of a weird situation.... Our investigators are Kevin, Kirt, Lois, Bob, Chad, and Jared. We're just trying to be able to meet with them now because they all have insane schedules.
GUESS WHAT?! We got our transfer calls this morning from President Jensen (he calls in the morning for the leadership assignments) and he released Elder Homer from being the district leader and told him that he would be leaving and I would be staying! Crazy! I wonder who my new companion is going to be!! AHH! This is always the worst part of transfer week is not knowing anything until Thursday at transfer meeting!!!! Haha something else that was funny was literally EVERY single appointment we had this week fell through! Monday we had the normal p-day stuff and nothing was too crazy besides we were able to see James again. Haha I LOVE James! He is one of the most hilarious people I've ever met! Although a sad thing happened Monday as well. I made cookies but put too much flour in..... They still tasted good, they didn't have a bottom for some reason that I still haven't figured out, but they were just....not as fantastic as I thought they'd be. :( On Tuesday, we went and gave service at The Helping Hand again which is always a good time! Man some people bring in the most random things! And some clothes that get donated I've never seen before in my life! Fashion is just super confusing! :) We tried by a bunch of potential investigators but sadly none of them answered. We went to our appointment with Sheldon Midas, the less-active member we found last week, but he wasn't there. We tried calling him but no answer so we just left a message. Oh well you just do what you can y'know? :) On Wednesday, we went on exchanges with the Centerville elders! I went with Elder Smith down in Centerville and we had a blast! He is actually leaving this transfer as well because he is done with his mission. We tried by some of their former investigators, nothing new there sadly, and then we were able to go and talk to a less-active member of their branch named Renae Johnson and she is awesome! But back in Indianola, Elder Homer and Elder Houston found a new investigator named Kevin!!
On Thursday, we went and had a homemade district lunch at the Knoxville elder's place! BBQ-marinated chicken, corn, and banana muffins! Hahaha the things you can do with the missionary budget constantly amaze me! :) Sadly, nothing much happened on that day after we had a sweet district meeting. We tried by a potential we had named Shane and we totally saw them in the window looking at us but they didn't answer the door. Oh well! After weekly planning on Friday, every appointment fell through so it was just finding. That evening, the mission nurse called and asked me a bunch of questions that are on form they give to Missionary Medical to see if I need to talk to the mission counselor. So we'll see what happens. By the way, don't blog this email please. Don't really want everyone to know I'm having a bunch of stress issues y'know? :) On Saturday morning, we helped out the branch in deeeeeeep-cleaning the church! It was a blast! I got to trim all the hedges with this GIGANTIC set of shears! The branch presidency cooked pancakes for everyone as well after that and they were fantastic! Hahaha that evening, we were walking up the main street and were waiting at a stoplight to cross it when suddenly a Yukon on the other side of the intersection stops at the red light. The window rolls down and Brother Hancock pops his head out and goes, "Hey! Do you guys have dinner plans?" We're like, "Uhh nope!" He says, "We'll have you over tonight so go on over!" Hahaha his house happened to only be like one block away! So we went and had teriyaki beef shiskabobs with the Hancocks! They are sweet and absolutely hilarious! It was especially awesome because we didn't think they liked missionaries! So that made it double awesome! On Sunday, our High Councilman Brother Visser gave an inspiring talk on how the Savior wants a real relationship with us. Then in Sunday School, we had an awesome discussion on how the Savior can heal our "spiritual blindness" and he is the good shepherd who watches over all of us. And then in Elder's Quorum, we talked about flooding the earth with the Book of Mormon and how the Book of Mormon can help every one of us with whatever we are going through. It was amazing. We had dinner with Sister Mehmen and her nonmember boyfriend Ron that evening and it was great! To be honest, I totally thought he was a member but he isn't and you would never expect it! He always comes to church and just seems like your normal LDS member! He has taken the missionary lessons before in the past but we're not entirely sure what is holding him back. So we'll keep trying to figure it out. :)
Elder Logan Flake
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