Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Week 39 4-27-15

AAHHHH!!!! In that picture Dallin looks way too old!! He went to prom?! AAAHHH my little bro is growing up!! Hmmmm....that's VERY interesting about Scott and Saas....she better not get married while I'm gone! :) Well......this past week was definitely interesting to say the least. People are just interesting. :)  
     So something kinda sad that happened on Monday: we come out of one of the gas stations we just went to the bathroom at and around the corner comes Makayla smoking a HUGE cigarette! She was like, "Hi guys!" She has still been working some crazy hours so she can't meet yet but in my head I was just like "No! Not smoking!" :( Tuesday was fantastic! We went down to Osceola for interviews with President and Sister Jensen! President Jensen is such an inspired man and he knows just what to say to help me out, it was pretty awesome. And talking to Sister Jensen is just awesome as well! They are totally like my parents out here and I just love them both so much. :) After interviews, I went on exchanges with Elder Houston down to Centerville. So random fun fact about Elder Houston: He and Elder Hollan actually grew up down the street from one another! We had a lot of fun meeting a bunch of VERY interesting people down in Centerville! We were walking around the town square trying to talk to people and we started talking to this older couple who were really nice. When we offered them a card, the lady's entire demeanor changed and she just looked kinda creepily demonic! She shouts, "NO! NO! NO!" So we said, "Just a card?" And then she said, "You're LDS! We don't BELIEVE like you do." Then, looking at us like we were scum on the bottom of her shoe, she got in her car and slammed the door! It was a very interesting experience. We then had dinner with their branch mission leader and had a good lesson with him. Elder Houston is hilarious! Easily one of my favorite missionaries I've met! Hahaha we found out that we have a lot in common which was kinda fun. :) Hahaha on Wednesday morning, we gave service at the senior care center and rolled Bingo for a bunch of older people! Hahaha the comments they would make were hilarious! After switching back, we were able to go and see Sister King (she, besides Jacob now, is the most recent convert in the branch and she finally got out of the hospital) and that was awesome! She is really sweet and an awesome lady! We then had dinner at the Hutcheson's home that evening-taco soup!!!!-and we read Ether 6 with her. We all shared some awesome spiritual experiences and then she started tearing up! She told us that she is so thankful for all that we do and she is so thankful for all we do for the Lord and the branch. It was a really humbling experience.
     Hahaha we went to go see Brother Heward, the less-active older man who has a drinking problem. Hahaha it was interesting because when we asked him if he could turn off his T.V. or at least mute it so we could say a prayer, he got TICKED! He goes, "I won't have anyone telling me what I need to do in my own home! Its time for you to leave." We were like, "Uhh..ok? We're sorry if we offended you in any way, we didn't mean to if we did." Yup it was an interesting experience for sure. Hahaha on Friday we had the good ole' classic Iowan windy bipolar rain again! :D We were able to go and see Lois again and teach her about the Book of Mormon! It was a powerful lesson and the Spirit was really strong! Later while knocking, we met this random guy named John who is super good friends with Brother Helton from the Des Moines ward! He wasn't interested but he was a funny guy! We also randomly met this guy named Justin who went to school with Bishop Dyer from the Des Moines ward too! Sheesh everyone here knows the members from the Des Moines! :) On Sunday, we had branch conference! In Sunday School, President Pence gave a fantastic lesson on the Christlike attributes and how we can all develop them. Then in Elder's Quorum we had a fantastic lesson on the importance of our quorums. All in all, it was a fantastic Church block! :) That evening the Kentners fed us and we read Mark 4:36-41 with them which is about Jesus calming the storm. They shared some awesome experiences when Christ has calmed their own personal "storms" and it brought the Spirit very strongly.

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