Thanks so much Dad! You have no idea what a great example you are to me with all you do for us. :) That's kind of random that they both got struck in the middle of summer, oh well what happens happens I guess. :) To answer your question Mom, ITS ROASTING WITH THE HUMIDITY! Hahaha I go through a white shirt a day pretty much because its so hot! Its a lot of fun though so its alright. :) And that is awesome about the Vocal Point-Disneyland deal! Sheesh Devin has such a "hard" life I don't know how he can stand it. :P You're getting a foreign exchange student! Whaaat? That's so awesome! I wonder what it'll be like! :D
Well......this week was kind of a long one but hey that happens every now and then. :) On Monday, we didn't really do much because it was raining insanely and was super muggy all day! We met with Jared, the guy who used to be LDS until he was like in 5th grade, and it was basically just him telling us how corrupted our religion is. We'd draw a breath to try to say something and then he would just steamroll over us and keep on going and it was just really frustrating to be honest. At one point he held up the Book of Mormon in one hand and the Bible in the other and said, "My main concern is that these books both preach a different gospel. The Bible is the truth, the light, the way! The Book of Mormon isn't, etc." So it was slightly annoying but the Spirit was like, "Just keep telling him to pray about it. Nothing else you will say is going to work here." So we told him that a couple of times, said a prayer, and then took off. It was interesting because some of the things he brought up really made me think, but thankfully the Holy Ghost continues to guide us to truth and help build up our struggling faith. Lets just say, the Church is true. :) On Tuesday we were able to finally see Bob again! It was going to be the "make-or-break" lesson with him because he sadly hasn't been keeping any commitments and progressing at all. We went in and were lovingly bold as we let him know that he needed to keep his commitments to be able to build his faith and a bunch of other stuff. Thankfully, Bob truly had felt guilty that he hadn't been doing anything at all that we'd been inviting him to do and he resolved to do better. So there is hope! On Wednesday we went on exchanges again with the Knoxville elders! :D Elder Price and I went to Knoxville while Elder Kinikini and Elder Cook held down the fort in Indy. We drove up to Pella and did some finding as well as teaching some lessons to some of their members and it was great! Hahaha so guess what???!!! We went to see some members, the Jorgensens, and there was like 35 people in their home! Some guy shakes my hand and I was thinking to myself, "Man I swear I know this guy's face, who is he?" Then we find out that he is Sister Jorgensen's brother-in-law and he plays Randy in the kid history Youtube videos! I was like, "Oh!" and then we all started laughing! Forgot to get a picture with him though. :)
On Thursday we had a great district meeting in Knoxville about the importance of the Spirit in our lessons. The rest of the day was sadly uneventful because everything we had fell through but it was still a nice day. :) On Friday, we had weekly planning and we were able to find some really cool potential investigators as well. Saturday, we had to go and drive up to Des Moines for an oil change and that was like the majority of the entire afternoon! We got back and then did some more finding as we got soaked to the skin because of the humidity. It was actually a lot of fun! :) Sunday was just awesome! We had some great talks given in Sacrament meeting on how we need to keep the Sabbath day holy and consecrated to the Lord. Then in Sunday School, President Cook led an awesome discussion on some of the events preceding the Second Coming and it was fascinating! Its so crazy to think that we're getting so close to the end! President Johnson led a fantastic discussion in Elder's Quorum on the importance of following the Spirit's promptings at all times. My testimony was definitely built during that short hour. After church we were able to have a short coordination meeting with President Cook and it was great! He loves the branch so much and does so much for it. :) We weren't able to have very much contact with a lot of our investigators so we'll be trying more this week. :)
Elder Logan Flake
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